The parenting style is a psychological construct that represents the standard strategy that parents use to raise their child. The quality of care can be more important than the amount of time spent with the child. For example, parents can spend the whole afternoon with their children, but their parents may engage in different activities and do not show enough interest in the child. A parenting style is a representation of how parents respond and demand to their children. Practice parenting is a special behavior, while parenting is a wider pattern of parenting practice. There are various theories and opinions on how best to raise children, as well as the different levels of time and effort that parents are willing to invest.
Children undergo various stages in life, therefore parents create their own parenting style from a combination of factors that develop over time as children begin to develop their own personalities. During the infancy stage, parents try to adjust to a new lifestyle in terms of adapting and bonding with their new baby. Developmental psychologists distinguish between the relationship between the child and the parent, who ideally is attachment, and the relationship between parent and child, which is called a bond. In the adolescent stage, parents face new challenges, such as teenagers seeking and wanting freedom.
The temperament of a child and parents' cultural patterns have an influence on the kind of parenting style that a child can accept. The extent to which child education is part of parenting is a matter of further debate.
Initial research on parenting and child development has found that parents who provide strong parenting, independence, and control to their children, have children who seem to have higher levels of competence and are socially and proficiently skilled. Additional developmental skills resulting from positive parenting styles include: maintaining close relationships with others, becoming independent, and self-reliant. During the mid-1980s, researchers began exploring how specific parenting styles affect the development of children later on.
Video Parenting styles
Differences with parenting practices
According to literature review by Christopher Spera (2005), Darling and Steinberg (1993) state that it is important to better understand the difference between parenting style and parenting practice: "Parenting practices are defined as specific behaviors parents use to socialize their children. ", while the parenting style is" the emotional climate in which parents raise their children ".
One association of studies that have been made is the difference between "child outcomes and ongoing actions of parental behavior". Some of the listed associations include the following: support, involvement, warmth, approval, control, monitoring, and harsh punishment. Parenting practices such as parental support, monitoring and company boundaries appear to be linked to higher school grades, less behavior problems and better mental health. These components have no age limit and can be started earlier in pre-school that leads to college.
Maps Parenting styles
Theory of child rearing
Beginning in the 17th century, two independent philosophers wrote works that had been very influential in child rearing. Book of 1631 John Locke Some Thoughts on Education is a well-known foundation for educational pedagogy from the Puritan point of view. Locke highlights the importance of experience for child development, and recommends developing their physical habits first. In 1762, the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau published the volume of education, Emile: or, On Education. He proposed that early education should be lowered less than books and more from a child's interaction with the world. Of these, Rousseau is more consistent with his slow parenting, and Locke is more for mutual cultivation.
Jean Piaget's cognitive development theory explains how children represent and reason about the world. This is a developmental stage theory consisting of stage Sensorimotor , Preoperational stage , Concrete operational phase , and formal operational phase I. Piaget is a pioneer in the field of child development and continues to influence parents, educators, and other theorists.
Erik Erikson, a developmental psychologist, proposed eight stages of life in which everyone should develop. To move on to the next stage, the person must complete a "crisis" in which a new dilemma must be solved. At each stage, they must understand and balance two conflicting forces so that parents can choose a series of parenting styles that help each child fit at every stage. The first five of the eight stages occur in childhood: The virtue of hope requires a balance of trust with unbelief, and usually occurs from birth to a year. Will balance autonomy with shame and doubt about the age of two to three years. Goal balances initiative with guilt around the age of four to six years. Competence balances the industry towards inferiority around the ages of seven through 12. Fidelity distinguishes identity with role confusion, at 13 to 19 years of age. The remaining adult virtues are love, attention and wisdom.
Rudolf Dreikurs believes that pre-teen preschoolers are caused by unfulfilled desires to become members of social groups. He argues that they then act out of the order of four wrong targets: first they seek attention. If they do not understand, they aim for power , then revenge and end up feeling inadequate . This theory is used in education as well as nurturing, forming a valuable theory for managing wrong behaviors. Other parenting techniques should also be used to encourage learning and happiness. He stressed the importance of building a democratic family style that adopted the method of a periodic democratic family council and while avoiding punishment. He advances "logical and natural consequences". It teaches children to take responsibility and understand the natural consequences of proper behavioral rules and inappropriate behavior.
Frank Furedi is a sociologist with a special interest in parenting and family. He believes that the actions of parents are less decisive than others claim. He described the term infant determinism as determining the prospects of a person's life with what happened to them during infancy, arguing that there was little or no evidence for truth. While commercial, government, and other interests continue to try to guide parents to do more and more worried about their children, he believes that children are able to thrive in almost all circumstances. Furedi quotes Steve Petersen from Washington University at St. Louis: "Development really wants to happen It takes a very poor environment to disrupt development... [just] do not raise your child in the closet, make them starve, or hit them, above the head with a frying pan". Similarly, journalist Tim Gill has expressed concern about the reluctance of excessive risk by parents and those responsible for children in his book No Fear . This reluctance limits the opportunities for children to develop sufficient adult skills, especially in the face of risk, but also in conducting activities that are adventurous and imaginative.
In 1998, independent scholar Judith Rich Harris published The Nurture Assumption, where he argues that scientific evidence, especially behavioral genetics, shows that all different forms of parenting do not have a significant effect on the development of children , in short cases of severe child abuse or child neglect. He proposes two main points for the effect: the genetic effect, and the social effects involved by the peer group in which children participate. The recognized effects of various forms of parenting are all illusions caused by heredity, culture in general, and the influence of children on how parents treat them. Baumrind's Parenting Typology authoritarian parenting , authoritarian parenting and permissive parenting . Maccoby and Martin expanded Baumrind's three original parenting styles by placing parenting styles into two different categories: demanding and less demanding. With this difference, four new parenting styles are defined:
Baumrind believes that parents should not punish or be alone. Instead, they must develop rules for their children and love them. This nurturing style is intended to describe the normal variation in parenting, not deviant parenting, as can be observed in rough homes. In addition, parenting stress can often lead to changes in parental behavior such as inconsistencies, increased negative communication, decreased monitoring and/or supervision, regulation of rules or vague behavioral limits, becomes more reactive and less proactive, and engage in disciplined behavior that the harder.
Three styles
demanding and responsive parents. When this style is developed systematically, it grows to fit the description of parenting propagation and mutual cultivation .
Authoritarian parenting is characterized by a child-centered approach that holds high expectations for adulthood. Honorable parents can understand the feelings of their children and teach them how to manage their feelings. Even with high expectations of maturity, authoritative parents usually forgive all possible shortcomings. They often help their children find the right outlet to solve the problem. Authoritative parents encourage children to be independent but still limit their actions. Giving and giving speech widely is not rejected, and parents try to be warm and nurturing. Authoritative parents are usually not as authoritarian parental controls, allowing children to explore more freely, thus making them make their own decisions based on their own reasons. Often, authoritative parents produce children who are more independent and independent. Authoritative parenting styles primarily occur when there is a high parental response and high parental demands.
Authoritative parents will set clear standards for their children, monitor the boundaries they set, and also allow children to develop autonomy. They also expect the behavior of mature, independent, and age-appropriate children. Punishment for misconduct is measured and consistent, not arbitrary or violent. Often the behavior is not punished but the natural consequences of the child's actions are explored and discussed - to ask the child to see that the behavior is inappropriate and need not be repeated, rather than repeating to avoid harmful consequences. Authoritative parents set limits and demand maturity. They also tend to give a positive boost in the right place. However, when punishing a child, parents will explain their motives for their punishment. Children are more likely to respond to authoritative parental punishment because it is natural and fair. A child knows why they are being punished because the authoritative parents make the reason known. As a result, the children of the authoritative parents are more likely to succeed, favored by those around them, generous and able to self-determination.
Parents are demanding but not responsive .
Authoritarian parenting is a rigorous and severe parenting style in which parents make their children follow their direction with little or no explanation or feedback and focus on the perception and status of children and family. Physical punishments, such as spanking, and shouting are forms of discipline that are often favored by authoritarian parents. The purpose of this style, at least when the good intentions, is to teach the child to behave, survive, and develop as an adult in a harsh and unforgiving society by preparing the child for negative responses such as anger and aggression to be performed by the child. face if his behavior is inappropriate. In addition, supporters of this style often believe that an aggression shock from someone from the outside world will be less for a child who is used to surviving both the acute and chronic stress imposed by the parents.
Authoritarian parenting has special effects on children:
- Children raised using this type of parenting may have less social competence because parents usually tell the child what to do instead of allowing the child to choose for themselves, making the child appear superior in the short term but limiting development in a way that is increasingly revealed as an oversight and an opportunity for decreased direct parental control.
- Children raised by authoritarian parents tend to be conformist, very obedient, quiet, and unhappy. These children often suffer from depression and self-blame.
- For some children raised by authoritarian parents, this behavior continues into adulthood.
- Children who are upset or angry because they have been raised in an authoritarian environment but have successfully developed high-confidence behaviors often rebel in adolescence and/or young adulthood.
- Children who experience anger and hatred coupled with the disadvantages of stunted self-efficacy and high self-blame often retreat to breakout behavior, including but not limited to substance abuse, and have a high risk of suicide.
- Specific aspects of the authoritarian style prevalent among certain cultures and ethnic groups, especially aspects of traditional Asian childcare practices that are sometimes described as authoritarian, are often continued by Asian-American families and sometimes - sometimes imitated by intensive parents. from other cultures, may be related to more positive median outcomes than Baumrind model predictions, although at the risk of adverse outcomes exemplified by Asian cultural phenomena such as hikikomori and the high rates of suicide found in South Korea, in India and by international observers. China before 2014. Parents who like to negotiate often use authoritarian parenting.
- The most inaccessible teenagers have parents who score highly in terms of accountability and warmth.
- The so-called 'indulgent' parents, those with low accountability and high warmth, almost triple their teenage risk of participating in heavy beverages.
- 'Tense parents' or authoritarian parents - high in accountability and low on warmth - more than double their teens' risk to heavy drinking.
- Dysfunctional family
- Ignore
- Parenting Children
- Resources for Infant Education (RIE)
- The Hong Kong Children
- Hymn Battle of the Tiger Mother
- Type of Parenting Style By Diana Baumrind
Indulgent or Permissive
Parents responsive but not demanding .
Parenting, also called permissive , non-directive , software or libertarian , is characterized as having little expected behavior for that boy. "Parenting is a parenting style in which parents are deeply involved with their children but put some demands or control on them". Parents take care and receive, and are responsive to the needs and desires of the child. Parents who indulge do not require children to organize themselves or behave appropriately. Children will grow into adults who are unfamiliar with aggression on others because of their inappropriate behavior that will be a big surprise to them. As adults, they will pay less attention to avoiding behaviors that cause aggression on others.
Permissive parents try to be "friends" with their children, and do not play parent roles. Child expectations are very low, and there is little discipline. Permissive parents also allow children to make their own decisions, giving them advice as friends. This type of parenting is very weak, with little punishment or rules. Permissive parents also tend to give their children whatever they want and hope that they are rewarded for their accommodation style. Other permissive parents compensate for what they miss as children, and as a result give their children freedom and material that they did not have in their childhood. Baumrind examines preschoolers with permissive parents and he comes up with the result that immature children are not in impulsive control and they are not responsible for permissive parenting styles.
Children of permissive parents may tend to be more impulsive and because adolescents may be more involved in misbehavior like drug use, "Children never learn to control their own behavior and always hope to get their way." But in better cases they are emotionally safe, independent and willing to learn and accept defeat. They mature quickly and are able to live life without the help of others.
From study 2014,
Effects on children
Theories of parenting style are almost entirely based on evidence from high-income countries, especially the United States. But there is, typically, a fundamental difference in child development between high-income and low-income countries that may mean that the style or practice of parenting has different effects on children in different settings. For example, in sub-Saharan African children tend to have more than one primary caregiver, to acquire language in a bilingual environment, and to play in mixed-age groups. There is evidence to show cultural differences in how children respond to parenting practices. In particular, there is an ongoing debate surrounding physical discipline and physical punishment of children. with some authors suggest it is less dangerous in ethnic or country groups where it is normative cultures, such as some low-income countries, where prevalence rates remain high. Lansford
Differences for boys and girls
Mothers and fathers tend to take different parenting behaviors based on their child's gender. Research has shown that fathers can influence their girls' emotional adjustment more through the style of parenting they show rather than through using a disciplinary approach, such as punishment. Also, fathers and mothers sometimes tend to use authoritative styles toward their daughters, while feeling more comfortable turning to authoritarian styles for boys.
Likewise, mothers can use a more authoritative style when they become their daughters' parents. Also, mothers spend more time exchanging thoughts with their daughters but mothers tend to prefer their boys.
See also
Further reading
External links
Source of the article : Wikipedia