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Psychology Personality Types and Possible Related Careers

Personality type refers to the psychological classification of different types of individuals. This type of personality is sometimes distinguished from personality traits, with the latter embodying the tendencies of smaller group behaviors. Type is sometimes said to involve a qualitative difference between people, whereas characteristics can be interpreted as quantitative differences. According to the theory of types, for example, introverts and extraverts are two categories of people who are essentially different. According to the theory of nature, introversion and extraversion are part of a sustainable dimension, with many people in the middle.

Video Personality type

Personally effective clinical personality

An effective personality typology reveals and enhances the knowledge and understanding of the individual, as opposed to the loss of knowledge and understanding as happens in the case of stereotypes. Effective typologies also allow the improvement of the ability to predict clinically relevant information about people and to develop effective treatment strategies. There is extensive literature on the topic of classifying different types of human temperaments and equally broad literature about personality traits or domains. This classification system seeks to describe the temperament and the normal personality and emphasizes the dominant features of different personality types and temperaments; they are largely province of psychological discipline. Personality disorder, on the other hand, reflects the work of psychiatry, medical specialization, and disease-oriented. They are classified in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), a product of the American Psychiatric Association.

Maps Personality type

Type vs. character

The term type has not been used consistently in psychology and has been a source of confusion. Moreover, since the value of personality tests usually falls on the bell curve rather than in different categories, personality type theories have received considerable criticism among psychometric researchers. One study that directly compares the "type" instrument (MBTI) with the "nature" instrument (NEO PI) found that the size of the trait is a better predictor of personality disorder. Because of this problem, personality type theories are not favored in psychology. Most researchers now believe that it is impossible to explain the diversity of human personality with a small number of discrete types. They recommend character models instead, such as the five-factor model.

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Type theory

  • An early form of personality type indicator theory is the Four Temperamen Galen system, based on four models of Hippocrates humor; The Five Temperament System extended by classical theory was published in 1958.
  • One example of personality type is Type A and Type B personality theory. According to this theory, impatient, achievement-oriented people are classified as Type A, while casual and relaxed individuals are designated as Type B. The theory initially suggests that the Type A individual more at risk for coronary heart disease, but this claim has not been supported by empirical research.
  • One study showed that people with Type A personalities were more likely to develop personality disorders whereas type B personality was more likely to be an alcoholic.
  • Developmental psychologist Jerome Kagan is a major proponent of the theory of type indicators. He suggested that shy, pulled children are best viewed as having an inhibited temper, which is qualitatively different from other children.
  • As a matter of convenience, trait theorists sometimes use the term type to describe someone who scored very high or low on certain personality traits. Hans Eysenck refers to a higher personality factor as type , and more specific related features as features .
  • Some pop psychology theories (eg, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, enneagram) depend on the idea of ​​different types of people.
  • Carl Jung

The best jobs for every personality type, Business Insider ...


One of the more influential ideas comes from Carl Jung's theoretical work as published in the book Psychological Types . The original German edition, Psychologische Typen , was first published by Rascher Verlag, Zurich, in 1921. Typologies such as Socionics, MBTI assessments, and Keirsey Temperament Sorter have roots in Jung's theory.

Jung's interest in typology grew out of his desire to reconcile the theories of Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler, and to determine how his own perspective differs from their perspective. Jung writes, "When trying to answer this question, I find a type problem, because it is the psychological type of person who from the outset determines and limits one's judgment." (Jung, [1961] 1989: 207) He concludes that Freud's theory is repeated and Adler is introverted. Jung became convinced that the split between the Adlerian and Freudian camps was due to this unrecognized existence of different fundamental psychological attitudes, which led Jung "to understand the two controversial theories of neurosis as manifestations of the type -Tagonism. "(Jung, 1966: par 64)

Four conscious functions

In the book Jung categorizes people into the main types of psychological functions.

Jung proposed the existence of two pairs of dichotomous cognitive functions:

  • The "rational" function (assessment): think and feel
  • The "irrational" function (perceiving): sensation and intuition

Jung goes on to suggest that these functions are expressed either in introverted or extraverted form.

According to Jung, the soul is a tool for adaptation and orientation, and consists of a number of different psychic functions. Among them he distinguishes four basic functions:

  • sensation - perception through a direct understanding of the visible relationship between subject and object
  • intuition - process perception in the background; such as unconscious encouragement and/or motivation of others
  • thought - the function of intellectual cognition; formation of logical conclusions
  • feelings - subjective estimation function, value-oriented thinking

The function of thinking and feeling is rational, while sensation and intuition are irrational. According to Jung, rationality consists of figurative thoughts, feelings or actions by reason - a viewpoint based on an objective value, determined by practical experience. Non-rationality is not based on reason. Jung notes that the basic facts are also irrational, not because it makes no sense, but because, as a matter of mind, they are not judgments.

Attitude: extraversion and introversion

Analytical psychology distinguishes several types or psychological temperaments.

  • Extravert (Jung's spelling, though some dictionaries prefer variant extrovert )
  • Introvert

Ekstraversion means "turning out" and introversion means "turning in". This particular definition is somewhat different from the use of popular words.

Preferences for extraversion and introversion are often called attitudes . Each cognitive function can operate in the external world of behavior, actions, people, and things ( extraverted attitudes) or the internal world of ideas and reflections ( introverted attitudes ).

People who prefer extraversion draw energy from action: they tend to act, then contemplate, then act further. If they are inactive, their motivation tends to decrease. To rebuild their energy, extravert requires a break from time spent in reflection. Conversely, those who prefer introversy release energy through action: they prefer to reflect, then act, then reflect again. To rebuild their energy, introverts need quiet time away from activity.

The extravert flow is directed toward people and objects, introverts are directed toward concepts and ideas. The contrasting characteristics between extraverts and introverts include the following:

  • Extras are oriented action , while introverts are oriented mind .
  • Extras seek knowledge and influence, while introverts search for depth knowledge and influence.
  • Extras often prefer frequent interactions , while introverts prefer substantial interactions .
  • Extras recharge and get their energy from spending time with people , while introverts recharge and get their energy from spending time themselves .

This type of attitude can be thought of as a stream of libido (psychic energy). These functions are modified by two main types of attitudes: extraversion and introversion. In each person, the level of introversion or extraversion of a function can be very different from other functions.

Four functions: sensation, intuition, thought, feeling

Jung identifies two pairs of psychological functions:

  • Two perceive function, sensation and intuition
  • Two functions rate , think and feel

Sensation and intuition is an information-gathering function (perceiving). They illustrate how new information is understood and interpreted. Individuals who prefer the sensation function are more likely to believe in present, real and concrete information: that is, information that the senses can understand. They tend not to believe in hunches, which seem to come "out of nowhere". They prefer to look for details and facts. For them, the meaning is in the data. On the other hand, those who prefer intuitive functions tend to believe in more abstract or theoretical information, which can be attributed to other information (either remembered or discovered by searching for a broader context or pattern). They may be more interested in possible futures. They tend to believe the flash of insight that seems to overflow from the unconscious mind. Meaning is how the data relate to the pattern or theory.

Thinking and feeling is a decision-making function (assessment). The function of thinking and feeling are both used to make rational decisions, based on data received from their information-gathering function (sensing or intuition). Those who prefer the function of thinking tend to decide things from a more separate perspective, measuring decisions by what seems reasonable, logical, causal, consistent and compatible with a particular set of rules. Those who prefer the function of feeling tend to make decisions by linking or empathizing with the situation, looking at it from within and considering situations to achieve, balance, harmony, consensus and greatest conformity, taking into account the needs of the people involved.

As already noted, people who prefer the function of thinking are not always, in the everyday sense, "thinking better" than their companion counterparts; reverse preferences are regarded as equally rational in decision-making (and, in any case, MBTI assessments are a measure of preference, not ability). Similarly, those who prefer the functioning of feelings do not always have "better" emotional reactions than their fellow thinkers.

Dominant function

The four functions are used at different times depending on the circumstances. However, one of the four functions is generally used more dominant and adept than the other three, in a more conscious and confident way. According to Jung the dominant function is supported by two additional functions. (In MBTI publications, the first aids are usually called additional or secondary functions and the second auxiliary function is usually called tertiary function.) The fourth and least conscious function is always opposed to the dominant function. Jung calls this "inferior function" and Myers sometimes also calls it "shadow function".

Jung's typology model considers the same psychological type as left or right: individuals are born with, or develop, certain ways of thinking and acting. These psychological differences are divided into four opposite pairs, or dichotomies, by producing eight possible psychological types. People tend to find using opposing psychological preferences more difficult, even if they can become more adept (and therefore flexible behavior) with practice and development.

The four functions operate in tandem with attitude (extraversion and introversion). Each function is used either by extravert or introvert. A person whose dominant function is extra intuition, for example, uses intuition very differently from someone whose dominant function is introverted intuition.

The eight psychological types are as follows:

  • Excessive sensation
  • Introverted sensation
  • Extra intuition
  • Introverted intuition
  • Overturned thinking
  • Introverted thinking
  • Extraverted feelings
  • Introverted feeling

Jung theorizes that dominant functions characterize consciousness, while the opposite is suppressed and characterizes unconscious behavior. In general, we tend to support our most developed dominant function, while we can expand our personality by developing others. Related to this, Jung notes that unconsciousness often tends to manifest itself most easily through the least developed functions of a person. Encounters with unconsciousness and the development of less developed functions are thus likely to develop together.

When unconscious inferior function fails to develop, the returns are unbalanced. In the Psychological Types , Jung explains in detail the effects of tension between the complexes associated with the dominant and inferior differentiation function in the very one-sided individual.

Type of personality and worrying

The relationship between anxiety - the tendency of one's mind and the mental picture to revolve around and create negative emotions, and experience of the frequent level of fear - and Jung's type of psychological model has been the subject of recent research. In particular, correlational analysis has shown that the tendency to worry is significantly related to the dimensions of Introversion and Feelings of Jung. Similarly, concern has shown a strong correlation with shame and fear of social situations. The tendency of researchers to fear social situations may make them seem more attractive.

Jung's model shows that the higher personality dimensions are introversion and extraversion. Introverts tend to connect with the outside world by listening, reflecting, being protected, and having a focused interest. Ekstraverts on the other hand, can adapt and align with the outside world. They prefer to interact with the outside world by talking, actively participating, being friendly, expressive, and having interests. Jung (1921) also identifies two other personality dimensions: Intuition - Sensing and Thinking - Feeling. This type of sensing tends to focus on the reality of the current situation, pay attention to detail, and be concerned with practicality. The intuitive type focuses on imagining the various possibilities for the situation and supporting ideas, concepts, and theories over data. Types of thinking use objective and logical reasoning in making their decisions, more likely to analyze stimuli in a logical and separate way, become more emotionally stable, and score higher on intelligence. This type of feeling makes judgments based on subjective and personal values. In interpersonal decision making, the types of feelings tend to emphasize compromise to ensure solutions that benefit everyone. They also tend to be more neurotic than the type of thinking. The tendency of the observers to experience a frightening influence can be manifested in Jung's type of feeling.

The Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator

See also

General description:

  • Personality
  • Personality psychology
  • Personality test
  • Psychological typology
  • Theoretical properties
  • Leadership characters

Three modern theories are closely related to Jung's personality type:

  • Keirsey Temperament Sorter
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • Socionic

Another theory:

  • 16 Personality Factors
  • Five great personalities
  • DISK rating
  • Personality Enneagram
  • Three-factor model Eysenck
  • Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
  • Five Temperament
  • Four Temperament
  • Orientation of Fundamental Interpersonal Relationships
  • HEXACO model of personality structure
  • Humorism
  • Personality Theory Type A and Type B
  • Holland code

A Layman's Guide to Personality Types A, B, C, and D


Personality type most likely to be unemployed - Business Insider

Further reading

  • Jung, C.G. ([1921] 1971). Psychological Type , Work Collected, Volume 6, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. ISBNÃ, 0-691-01813-8.
  • Jung, C.G. (1966). Two Essays on Analytical Psychology Collected Works Volume 7 Princeton University N.J. ISBNÃ, 0-691-01782-4.
  • Jung, C.G. ([1961] 1989). Memories, Dreams, Reflections , New York, N.Y.: Vantage Books. ISBN 0-679-72395-1.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
