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Andragogy refers to the methods and principles used in adult education. The word comes from the Greek word ???? - andr - , meaning "human", and ?????? agogos , meaning "leader"; literally meaning "human leader", while "pedagogy" literally means "prominent children".

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Two main understandings of "andragogy" exist:

  1. The science of understanding (theory) and supporting (practice) adult lifelong education.
  2. In the Malcolm Knowles tradition, a specific theoretical and practical approach. It is based on the humanistic conception of independent and independent learners as well as teachers as learning facilitators.

Widely interpreted throughout the academic literature, the term also invites other definitions such as "adult education practices", "desirable values", "special teaching methods", "reflections" and "academic disciplines" , with many authors claiming it is better than traditional adult education.

This term has been used by some to enable a contrasting discussion between self-directed education and self-taught.

Maps Andragogy


The term was originally coined by the German educator Alexander Kapp in 1833. Andragogy was developed into an adult education theory by Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy. It later became very popular in the US by American educator Malcolm Knowles. Knowles asserts that andragogy (Greek: "man-leading") must be distinguished from the more commonly used term pedagogy (Greek: "child-leading").

Knowles collected ideas about adult education theory from the end of World War II until he was introduced to the term "andragogy". In 1966, Knowles met Dusan Savicevic in Boston. Savicevic is the one who shares the term andragogy with Knowles and explains how the term is used in a European context. In 1967, Knowles used the term "androgogy" to explain his theory of adult education. Then after consulting Merriam-Webster, he corrected the spelling of the term to "andragogy" and continued to use the term to explain ideas about adult learning.

Knowles theory can be expressed by six assumptions related to adult learning motivation:

  1. Please note: Adults need to know the reason to learn something.
  2. Foundations: Experience (including errors) provides the basis for learning activities.
  3. Self-concept: Adults should be responsible for their decisions about education; involvement in the planning and evaluation of their instructions.
  4. Readiness: Adults are most interested in studying subjects that have direct relevance to their work and/or personal life.
  5. Orientation: Adult learning is more problem-driven than content-oriented.
  6. Motivation: Adults are more responsive to internal and external motivators.

In most European countries, Knowles discussions play the best, marginal role. "Andragogy" is, from 1970, connected to emerging academic and professional institutions, publications, or programs, sparked by the same growth of adult education in practice and theory as in the United States. "Andragogy" serves here as a header for systematic reflection, parallel to other academic headings such as "biology", "medicine", and "physics".

An example of the use of the andragogy is the Yugoslavian (scientific) journal for adult education, named Andragogija in 1969, and the Yugoslav Society for Andragogy; at the Palacky University in Olomouc (Czech Republic) Katedra sociologie a andragogiky (Department of Sociology and Andragogy) was founded in 1990. Also, Prague University has Katedra Andragogiky (Department of Andragogical); in 1993, Slovenia Andragoski Center Republike Slovenije (Republic of Slovenia Andragogy Center) was established with the journal Andragoska Spoznanja ; in 1995, Bamberg University (Germany) named the Lehrstuhl Andragogics (Androgogi Chairs).

At the formal level of "practice above" and the specific approach, the term "andragogy" can be used in relation to all types of theories, for reflection, analysis, training, in people-oriented programs, or human resource development.

Differences and Similarities Between Pedagogy and Andragogy | My ...


Adult learning is based on understanding, organization and synthesis of knowledge rather than memory memorization. There are seven Adult Learning Principles:

  • Adults should be willing to learn - They learn effectively only when they are free to direct their own learning and have a strong motivation and are eager to develop new skills or acquire certain types of knowledge, this support learning.
  • Adults will only learn what they think they need to learn - Adults are practical in their approach to learning; they want to know, "How will this help me now? - Is it relevant (Content, Connection, and Application) and does it meet my targeted goals."
  • Adults learn by doing - Teens learn by doing, but adults do it through active practice and participation, this helps in integrating component skills into a coherent whole.
  • Adult learning focuses on problem solving - Adolescents tend to learn skills sequentially. Adults tend to start with problems and then work to find solutions. Significant engagements, such as posing and answering realistic questions and problems, are needed for deeper learning. This leads to a more complex, more durable, and more powerful representation of knowledge (Craik & Lockhart, 1972).
  • Experience affects adult learning - Adults have more experience than teenagers. This may be an asset and a liability, if prior knowledge is inaccurate, incomplete, or naive, it can interfere with or alter the integration of incoming information (Clement 1982; National Research Council 2000).
  • Adults learn best in informal situations - Adolescents must follow the curriculum. Often, adults learn by taking responsibility based on the value and needs of the content they must understand and the specific goals they will achieve. Being in an inviting, collaborative, and networking environment as an active participant in the learning process makes it efficient.
  • Adults want guidance and consideration as an equal partner in the process - Adults want information that will help them improve their situation. They do not want to be told what to do and they evaluate what helps and what does not. They want to choose an option based on their individual needs and the significant impact that the learning interaction can provide. Socialization is more important among adults.

Difference Between Andragogy and Pedagogy - YouTube

Adult learning style

Learning styles are referred and made by how certain people learn, categorize, and process their new content is a common behavioral description descriptor. Everyone may have some preferred learning styles and this is a mild-tendency preference. Keefe formally defines learning styles as "cognitive, effective, and physiological characteristics that serve as relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning environment." The three main learning styles are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Kolb suggests to educate adult learners around the experience cycle that reaches all types of learners.

Differences and Similarities Between Pedagogy and Andragogy

Academic discipline

In the field of adult education over the last few decades, a process of growth and differentiation emerged as a scientific and scientific approach, andragogy. It refers to the academic discipline (s) in a university program that focuses on adult education; andragogy exist today around the world. This term refers to a new type of education that is not qualified by mission and vision, but with academic learning including: reflection, critique, and historical analysis.

Dusan Savicevic, who provides Knowles with the term andragogy, explicitly claims andragogy as a discipline, the subject being the study of adult education and learning in all forms of expression '(Savicevic, 1999, p.a, 97, as well as Henschke, 2003, Reischmann , 2003).

Recent research has expanded andragogy into the online world, finding that using collaborative tools such as wikis can encourage learners to become more independent, enriching the classroom environment. This provides space for independent learners. Andragogy helps in designing and delivering solutions that focus on self directed instruction. The methods used by andragogy can be used in different educational environments (eg youth education).

Andragologists are those who practice and specialize in andragogy. Andragologists have received a doctorate from an accredited university in Education (EdD) or a doctorate in Psychology (PsyD), or Philosophy (PhD) and focus their dissertation utilizing andragogy as a major component of their theoretical framework.

5 Andragogy vs Pedagogy A Comparison of Process - YouTube

Differences from pedagogy

Here are some key differences between pedagogy and andragogy:

What is ANDRAGOGY? What does ANDRAGOGY mean? ANDRAGOGY meaning ...

Optimal learning

Neuroscientist and educator Eric Jensen's factors for optimal learning include:

  • Personal meaning.
  • Current state.
  • Self-concept. (A collection of one's thoughts about beliefs, experiences, values, and knowledge.)
  • Sensory input mode. (Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory.)
  • Information processing. (Learning styles, processing situations such as linear, holistic, random, logical, concrete, based on reality, temporal, non-temporal... etc.. Artistic/analytic orientation; abstract/concrete... etc.)
  • Response. (Theory of multiple intelligences.)

Andragogy vs Pedagogy 1 - YouTube


Knowles himself altered his position as to whether andragogy is really applied only to adults and believes that "pedagogues represent a continuum ranging from that directed by the teacher to student-directed learning and that both approaches are appropriate to children and people adult, depending on the situation. "Hanson (1996) argues that differences in learning are not related to the age and stages of a person's life, but are related to individual characteristics and differences in" context, culture and strength "in different educational settings.

In another critique of Knowles' work, Knowles can not use any of his principles (self-concept) with the adult learner as far as he describes in practice. In one course, Knowles appeared to allow "near total freedom in determining student goals" but still "intended" the students to choose from a list of 18 objectives on the syllabus. Self-concept can be criticized not only from the instructor's point of view, but also from the student's point of view. Not all adult learners will know exactly what they want to learn in the course and can look for a more structured outline of an instructor. An instructor can not assume that an adult would want self-directed learning in every situation.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
