Selasa, 05 Juni 2018

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In the literature, style of writing often refers to the way expressing the mind in the language characteristics of an individual, period, school, or nation. However, the 'writing style' can also refer to the linguistic aspects that identify a particular author. Thus, force is a term that can refer, at the same time, to both conventions that transcend individual authors and single aspects of individual writing. Beyond the essential elements of spelling, grammar, and punctuation, the style of writing is the choice of words, sentence structure, and paragraph structure, used to convey meaning effectively. The first is referred to as rules , elements , essence , mechanics , or handbook ; the latter referred to as style , or rhetoric . The rules are about what the author does; style is about how the author is doing it. When following the rules derived from the use of existing English, an author has great flexibility in how to express a concept. The essence of a good writing style is to

  • expresses the message to the reader simply, clearly and convincingly;
  • to keep readers interested, engaged, and interested;


  • displays the author's personality;
  • shows the author's skill, knowledge, or ability;

although this is usually proven and what experts consider the individual style of the author.

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Diction, or word choice , is clearly a central element in every author style. While good diction is part of the experiment and error, tampering with sentences until they sound right, it's also a matter of following certain common preferences that careful readers and authors tend to share.

Some methods for using diction effectively in writing:

  • Use dictionary and thesaurus
  • Look for middle diction level
  • Call something with their name
  • Avoid redundancy and escape
  • Avoid cliché s
  • Avoid jargon
  • Avoid obsolete, old-fashioned, or created words
  • Avoid slang, regional expressions, and non-standard English
  • Avoid qualification
  • Avoid fancy words
  • Use words in their established sense
  • Avoid offensive or sexist language
  • Say no more than you mean
  • Be concrete as your meaning allows
  • Use logical terms appropriately
  • Enter the statement in positive form
  • Make a living and appropriate metaphor
  • Prefers live verbs and active verbs to adjectives and annotations

Maps Writing style

The choice of sentence structure

Sooner or later, a writer will have the essential elements of the sentence formal sentence under control and will want to find the best way to make the sentence convey the meaning effectively: how the phrase statement is definitive, putting the thought of coordination in the coordinate structure , subordinates to sharpen the relationship between main assertions and modify elements, eliminate unnecessary words, vary sentence structure, maintain tone consistency, and smooth the general flow of words. It appears that minor improvements - clause movements from one position to another, a shift from passive to active voice, even a slight change in rhythm - can make the difference between a drab and a pointed sentence.

Some methods for writing effective sentences:

  • Avoid irrelevance
  • Create a real statement
  • Rely on active voice
  • Coordinate to show that the idea belongs together
  • Repeat words, phrases, and clauses for emphasis
  • Make series consistent and climax
  • Bring to show which is the main statement
  • Bring to avoid monotony
  • Subordinate to break long compound sentences
  • Select an appropriate subordinate tool
  • Place a subordinate element where they will convey the exact meaning
  • Subordinates in one direction per sentence
  • Quick but do not get rid of the words needed
  • Destroy the monopoly of declarative sentences
  • Vary the order and complexity of sentence elements
  • Vary the length of the sentence.
  • Consistent
  • Avoid repetition of annoying sounds
  • Listen to the sentence rhythm
  • Use parallel construction
  • Keep the related words together
Letters V And S With A Different Style Of Writing Stock Vector ...

Options paragraph structure

The most important unit of meaning in any literary work is the paragraph . Although every sentence conveys a thought, literature is not just a sequence of, say, eighty thoughts; this is more of a development of a central thesis through certain steps. The steps are paragraphs. In an effective paragraph, the sentences support and extend each other in different ways, creating a single, usually complex, and revealed idea.

Regardless of direct incoherence, choppiness, or long-windedness, perhaps the most common flaw in paragraph construction is the rigidity of the presentation. Having something to say, the author just says it - and continues to do the same in the following paragraphs. As a result, the reader feels, unlike the participants in the author's thoughts, but like someone who receives instructions or is shown a quick, consecutive picture.

Some methods for writing effective paragraphs:

  • Pursue one main idea
  • Place key ideas firmly
  • Choose an appropriate development pattern
  • Link sentences in each paragraph
  • Link each paragraph to the next
  • Vary paragraph length
  • Moves between public and details
  • Keep moving.
  • Write in paragraph block
  • Create the first paragraph count
  • End with strong paragraph

How to Write


Notice how to rewrite a familiar phrase, "This is a time that tries the male soul." by Thomas Paine, changed the overall impact of the message.

Times like this try a man's soul.
How to try to live in these times!
This is a trying time for a man's soul.
Soulwise, this is a try time.

Compare the following sections, and note how the authors convey their message in different ways, as a result of their choice.

Hamlet , Act II, Scene 2 (1599-1602) by William Shakespeare:

HAMLET. I will tell you why; so my anticipation will prevent your discovery, and your confidentiality to the king and queen will not manifest feathers. I was late - but hence I do not know - losing all my excitement, forgetting all the practice habits; and indeed it is very heavy with my disposition that this good framework, the earth, to me seems to be a sterile headland; this great canopy, the air, look at you, this bold horizon, this great roof burned with golden flame, why, there seems to be nothing else to me apart from a collection of foul and rotten vapors. What a masterpiece is a man! how noble sense! how unlimited in faculty! in the form and move how to express and admirable! act like an angel! in the understanding of how godlike! the beauty of the world! animal model! However, for me, what is the essence of this dust? man glad not me; no, or woman too, though with a smile you seem to say so.

The Story of Two Cities (1859) by Charles Dickens:

This is the best time, it is the worst time, it is the age of wisdom, it is age of ignorance, it is the age of belief, it is the age of unbelief, it is the season of Light, it is the Dark season, it is spring hope, it is the winter of despair, we have everything before us, we have nothing before us, we will all go straight to Heaven, we will all go straight in the other direction - in short, that period is so far away like the current period, that some of the most noisy authorities insist on being accepted, for good or for crime, at a superlative level of comparison only.

Christmas Memories (1945) by Dylan Thomas:

One Christmas is very similar to the other, in those years, around the corner of the present seaside city, and of all the noises except the distant speech I sometimes hear just before bedtime, that I can never remember whether snow fell for six days and six nights when I was twelve years old or did it snow for twelve days and twelve nights when I was six years old; or if the ice breaks and skateboard disappear like a snowman through a white trap door on the same Christmas Day when the pies are finished Uncle Arnold and we take the horse-drawn carriage down the seaward hill, all afternoon, on the best tea tray, and Mrs. Griffiths complained, and we threw snowballs to his niece, and my hands burned so, with the heat and cold, when I held them in front of the fire, I cried for twenty minutes and then had some jelly.

"The Strawberry Window" (1955) by Ray Bradbury:

In his dream he closed the front door with strawberry windows and lemon windows and windows like white clouds and windows like crystal clear water in the country. Two dozen panels faced with one large panel, colored fruit wine, gelatin, and cold water. She remembered her father carrying her from childhood. "Look!" And through the green glass of the world is emerald, moss, and summer mint. "Look!" The lilac panel makes an individual wine from everyone passing by. And finally the strawberry glasses constantly bathe the city with warm warmth, wading through the world with pink sunrise, and making the cut grass appear imported from several Persian carpet bazaars. The strawberry window, best of all, heals people from its pallor, warms cold rain, and sets the blow, shifting snow in February.

Letter from Birmingham Jail (1963) by Martin Luther King, Jr.:

In addition, I am aware of the connection of all communities and states. I can not sit still in Atlanta and not worry about what happened in Birmingham. Injustice everywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are trapped in an inevitable network of mutuality, bound in a garment of fate. Anything that affects a person directly affects all indirectly. Never again can we live with the idea of ​​a narrow and provincial "outer impurity". Anyone who lives in the United States can not be considered an outsider anywhere within limits.

Tudor Writing Style Ideas

Author voice

Source of the article : Wikipedia
