Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

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Cross contour drawing by ultimategirl88 on DeviantArt

Contour Image , is an artistic technique used in the field of art where artists sketch the subject contour by drawing lines that produce images that are basically an outline; the meaning of the French contour word, "outline." The purpose of the contour image is to emphasize the mass and the volume of the subject rather than the detail; The focus is on the outline of the subject and not the small details. However, because the contours can convey a three-dimensional perspective, length and width as well as thickness and depth are important; not all contours exist along the subject line. This technique is manifested in different styles and is practiced in drawing development and learning.

Video Contour drawing


Image contour is an important technique in art because it is a strong foundation for every picture or painting; it has the potential to change the shape of the subject through variations in the line. The goal is to capture the life, action, or expression of the subject. It is widely accepted among schools, art institutions, and colleges as an effective and disciplined training aid for novice artists. In the hands of a talented master, the lines that convey the contours can provide stunning visual enjoyment.

Maps Contour drawing


In a continuous line drawing, the artist looks at the subject and paper, moves the medium on paper, and creates the silhouette of the object. Like blind contour images, a contour image is an artistic experience that relies more on sensation than perception; important to be guided by instinct. To create a blind contour image, an artist does not see the paper or canvas where he works. Another technique similar to the drawing contour is the outline drawing; the division between the form and the space occupied by the subject. The three types of images are considered as gesture images; practice of drawing a series of bodies in shape still. Outline drawings do not include visual visuals of human vision, while contour images contain shapes, weight, mass, space, and distance.

Cross Contour Drawing Fruit at | Free for personal ...


By changing the character of the mark, an artist can imitate many aspects of the subject that connect the shape and space with the audience. For example, a line may be lighter in value (gradation) to suggest a greater distance between objects in the image. The darker part of the contour may represent an object with little or no light source; compressed space or lower object. Continuous lines used inside the subject line can add accents or shadows, depending on the line value.

Basic Drawing: contour drawing of shoes with technical pencil ...


The purpose of drawing blindly is to force the artist's eyes to move along the contour of the subject as the pencil moves along the paper. Initially, this type of image may be difficult and slow, but an artist will find that by training, it is an effective way of defining observational skills such as identifying and underlying the subject structure, linking shapes, and conveying the sensual experiences of the subject. Through a thorough practice in this style, he will be skilled at drawing anything quickly and successfully.


Source of the article : Wikipedia
