A castle (from Latin: castellum ) is a type of enriched structure built during the Middle Ages by most nobles or royalty and military orders. Scholars debate the scope of the word puri , but usually regard it as a private residence which is upheld by nobles or nobles. This is different from the palace, which is not fortified; from a fortress, which is not always a residence for nobles or nobles; and from a fortified settlement, which is a public defense - though there are many similarities between these types of constructions. The use of the term varies over time and has been applied to diverse structures such as hill castles and country houses. For about 900 years the castle was built, they take many forms with many different features, although some, such as curtain walls and arrows, are commonplace.
A European innovation, the castle dates from the 9th and 10th centuries, after the fall of the Carolingian Empire resulted in its territory divided among the nobles and princes. These nobles built palaces to control the area around them and the fortresses were offensive and defensive structures; they provide the basis from which attacks can be launched as well as protection from the enemy. Although their military origin is often emphasized in the study of the castle, the structure also serves as the administrative center and the symbol of power. The city's fortress is used to control locals and important travel routes, and rural castles are often located near features that are an integral part of community life, such as factories, fertile land, or water sources.
Many castles were originally built from earth and wood, but their defenses were later replaced by rocks. Early fortresses often exploit natural defenses, have no features like towers and arrowslits and rely on the center. In the late 12th and early 13th centuries, a scientific approach to fortified defense emerged. This leads to the proliferation of the tower, with an emphasis on flanking the flames. Many new castles are polygonal or dependent on concentric defenses - several stages of defense against each other that can all work at the same time to maximize the castle's firepower. This defense change is associated with a mixture of fortified crusade technologies, such as concentric fortification, and inspiration from previous defenses, such as Roman fortifications. Not all architectural elements of the castle are military, so devices such as trenches evolved from their initial defense goals into symbols of power. Some of the big castles have a long winding approach that is meant to impress and dominate their landscape.
Although gunpowder was introduced to Europe in the 14th century, it did not significantly affect the building of the castle until the 15th century, when the artillery became strong enough to penetrate the stone wall. While the castle continued to be built until the 16th century, new techniques for handling improved fire cannon made them uncomfortable and undesirable places to live. As a result, true castles suffered decline and were replaced by artillery forts without a role in civil administration, and rustic homes. From the 18th century onwards, there was renewed interest in the palace with the construction of a mock castle, part of Gothic architectural revival, but they had no military purpose.
Video Castle
The word puri comes from the Latin castellum , which is a small word from castrum , which means "fortified place". The Old English castel , Old French castel or chastel , french chÃÆ' Â ¢ teau , spanish castillo , italian
Specify characteristics
In the simplest terms, the definition of the castle received in the academic circles is "enriched private residence". This contrasts with earlier forts, such as the Anglo-Saxon Burhs and walled cities such as Constantinople and Antioch of the Middle East; the palace is not a communal defense but is built and owned by local feudal landlords, either for themselves or for their king. Feudalism is the relationship between the master and his subordinates in which, in return for military service and loyalty expectations, you will give subordinate land. At the end of the 20th century, there was a tendency to improve the definition of the castle by incorporating feudal possession criteria, thus binding the castles in the medieval period; However, this does not necessarily reflect the terminology used in the medieval period. During the First Crusade (1096-1099), the Franks discovered settlements and walled fortresses that they indiscriminately referred to as castles, but which would not be considered as such under a modern definition.
The castle serves many purposes, the most important being military, administrative, and domestic. As well as the defense structure, the palace is also an offensive tool that can be used as a base of operations in enemy territory. The castle was founded by the Norman invaders from Britain for both defensive purposes and to appease the country's inhabitants. As William the Conqueror advanced through England, he fortified the key positions to secure the land he had taken. Between 1066 and 1087, he founded 36 castles such as Warwick Castle, which he used to guard against the uprisings in the English Midlands.
Toward the end of the Middle Ages, the palace tended to lose their military significance due to the emergence of powerful cannons and permanent artillery fortifications; as a result, the palace became more important as a residence and a statement of power. A castle can act as a fortress and a prison but also a place where a knight or lord can entertain his friends. Over time design aesthetics become more important, because the appearance and size of the castle begins to reflect the prestige and strength of its inhabitants. Comfortable houses are often made in fortified walls. Although the castle still provides protection from low levels of violence in later periods, the castles are subsequently replaced by rural homes as high-status residences.
Castle is sometimes used as a catcher term all for all types of castles and, as a result, has been misused in a technical sense. An example of this is Maiden Castle which, despite its name, is an Iron Age hill fort which has very different origin and destination.
Although "castle" is not yet a general term for noble houses (such as chÃÆ' Â ¢ teau in French and Schloss in German), many noble houses contain "castles" in their names while having little if any architectural characteristics, ties to the past and feel the term "castle" is a masculine expression of their power. In the scholarship, the castle, as defined above, is generally accepted as a coherent concept, which originated in Europe and then spread to parts of the Middle East, where they were introduced by the European Crusaders. This coherent group shares the same origin, deals with certain warfare modes, and exchanges influences.
In various regions of the world, analog structures share the features of fortification and other defining characteristics associated with the concept of castles, although they originate from different periods and circumstances and undergo different evolutions and influences. For example, shiro in Japan, described as a palace by historian Stephen Turnbull, experiences "a completely different developmental history, built in a completely different way and designed to withstand completely different attacks". While European castles built from the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries onwards are generally stones, shiro are mostly wooden buildings in the 16th century.
In the 16th century, when Japanese and European cultures met, fortification in Europe had moved beyond the castle and depended on innovations such as the italial trait and Italian castle. Fortress in India presents a similar case; when they were encountered by the British in the 17th century, the castles of Europe were generally not used militarily. Like shiro , the Indian citadel, durga or durg is in Sanskrit, a feature shared with the palace in Europe as it acts as a domicile for the lords as well as the castle defense. They also evolved differently from structures known as castles originating from Europe.
Maps Castle
General features
Motte is a mound of land with flat tops. It's often artificial, although it sometimes incorporates pre-existing landscape features. The excavation of the ground to make the mound leaves a gutter around the motte, called a trench (which can be wet or dry). "Motte" and "moat" are derived from the same old French word, which indicates that these characteristics were originally related and dependent on one another for their construction. Although motte is commonly associated with bailey to form motte-and-bailey castles, this is not always the case and there are instances where motte exists by itself.
"Motte" refers to mounds only, but is often overcome by a fortified structure, such as a barrier, and a flat top will be surrounded by a fence. It is common for motte to be reached by flying bridges (a bridge over a trench from the ditch culvert wall to the top of the mound), as shown in Bayeux Tapestry's description of ChÃÆ'Â ¢ teau de Dinan. Sometimes a motte covers an older castle or hall, whose rooms serve underground storage and a prison under a new storage area.
Bailey and enceinte
A bailey, also called a ward, is a fortified enclosure. It is a common feature of the palace, and most have at least one. Who remains on the motte is the master's domicile in charge of the last strongholds and strongholds, while the bailey is the home of the rest of the noble households and gives them protection. Barracks for garrisons, stables, workshops, and storage facilities are often found in bailey. Water is provided by wells or wells. Over time, the focus of high-status accommodation shifts from keep to bailey; this resulted in the creation of another bailey that separates high-status buildings - such as master rooms and chapels - from everyday structures such as workshops and barracks.
From the end of the twelfth century there was a tendency for knights to get out of the small houses they previously occupied in bailey to live in rural fortified houses. Although often associated with the motte-and-bailey type of castle, baileys can also be found as independent defense structures. This simple fort is called ringworks. Enceinte is the main enclosure of the castle, and the terms "bailey" and "enceinte" are intertwined. A castle could have several baileys but only one enceinte. The castle without maintenance, which relies on its external defense for protection, is sometimes called the enceinte castle; this was the earliest form of the castle, before it was introduced in the 10th century.
Retaining is a large tower and is usually the strongest fortress point preserved prior to the introduction of concentric defenses. "Keep" was not a term used in the medieval period - the term was applied from the 16th century onwards - instead "donjon" was used to refer to a great minaret, or turris in Latin. In the motte-and-bailey palaces, the castle is above the motte. "Dungeon" is a damaged form of "donjon" and means an unfriendly dark prison. Although often the strongest part of a castle and the last sanctuary if the outside defense falls, the fortress is not left empty in case of attack but is used as a residence by the lord who owns the castle, or the guest or its representative.
Initially this was only commonplace in England, when after the Norman Conquest of 1066, "conquerors lived for a long time in a state of continuous alert"; elsewhere the master's wife leads a separate residence ( domus hall or mansio in Latin) close to fixed, and donjon is a barracks and headquarter. Gradually, the two functions merge into the same building, and the highest occupancy rate has large windows; as a result of many structures, it is difficult to find the exact term. The massive internal space seen in many living donuts can be misleading; they will be divided into multiple rooms by the partition of light, as in modern office buildings. Even in some large castles the great hall is only separated by the partition of the master's "room", his bedroom and to some extent his office.
Curtain wall
The curtain wall is a defensive wall lining a bailey. They must be high enough to scale walls with hard and thick stairs to withstand bombardments from siege machines that, from the fifteenth century onwards, including gunpowder artillery. A typical wall can be as high as 3 m (10 ft) and 12 m tall (39 ft), although its size varies greatly among the castle. To protect them from damage, curtain walls are sometimes given stone skirts around their bases. The sidewalks along the top of the curtain walls allow defenders to shower missiles at the enemy below, and the castle gives them further protection. The curtain walls are studded with towers to allow fire to confine along the walls. Arrowslits on the walls did not become common in Europe until the 13th century, for fear that they might harm the power of the wall.
The entrance is often the weakest part of the defense circuit. To overcome this, the guard house was built, allowing people inside the castle to control the flow of traffic. On earth and wooden castles, the gate is usually the first feature rebuilt on the rock. The front of the gate is a blind spot and to overcome this, projecting the tower is added on each side of the gate in a style similar to that developed by the Romans. The gate contains a series of defenses to make direct attacks more difficult than attacking a simple gate. Typically, there are one or more portcullises - metal lattices reinforced with metal to block a passage - and arrows to allow defenders to bully enemies. The journey through the gate was extended to increase the amount of time an attacker had to spend under fire in confined spaces and could not retaliate.
This is a popular myth called hole-killing - openings in the ceiling of the gate - used to pour boiling oil or liquid tin on an attacker; the price of oil and lead and the gate distance from the fire means it is not practical. This method, however, is a common practice in the MENA region and the castle and fortress of the Mediterranean where the resources are abundant. They are most likely used to drop objects on attackers, or to allow water to be poured into the fire to extinguish them. The provisions were made on the top floor of the gate for accommodation so the gates were never left without defenses, although this arrangement later evolved to be more comfortable at the expense of defense.
During the 13th and 14th centuries, barbic was developed. It consists of a castle, a moat, and possibly a tower, in front of a gate that can be used to protect the entrance further. The goal of the barbican is not just to provide another line of defense but also to dictate the only approach to the gate.
The moat is a defensive trench with steep sides, and can be dry or filled with water. The goal is twofold; to stop the device like a siege tower from reaching the curtain wall and to prevent the wall being underestimated. Water trenches are found in lowland areas and are usually bypassed by suspension bridges, although these are often replaced by stone bridges. Enriched islands can be added to the trenches, adding another layer of defense. Water defense, like a natural trench or lake, has the benefit of dictating the enemy's approach to the castle. The site of 13th-century Caerphilly Castle in Wales includes over 30 hectares (12 hectares) and water defense, created by a flood of valleys in the southern part of the castle, are some of the largest in Western Europe.
Other features
The bends are most often found on top of the curtain wall and the top of the gate of the house, and it consists of several elements: crenelations, hoardings, machicolations, and loopholes. Crenellation is the collective name for alternating crenel and merlons: cracks and solid blocks above the wall. Hoarding is a wooden construction that is projected outside the walls, allowing defenders to shoot, or dropping objects above, attackers at the base of the wall without having to rely on crenellations, thus exposing themselves to fire vengeance. Machicolations are the projection of rocks on the wall with openings that allow objects to be dropped on enemies at the base of the wall in a manner similar to hoarding.
Arrowslits, also commonly called slits, are narrow vertical openings in defense walls that allow arrows or arrow bolts to be fired on attackers. The narrow gap is meant to protect the defender by providing a very small target, but the opening size can also hinder the defender if it is too small. Smaller horizontal opening can be added to give the archer a better view to shoot. Sometimes the sally port is inserted; this could allow the garrison to leave the castle and involve the besieged forces. It was common for the latrines to empty the external walls of a castle and into the surrounding moat.
According to historian Charles Coulson, the accumulation of wealth and resources, such as food, led to the need for a defense structure. The earliest castle is from the Fertile Crescent, the Indus Valley, Egypt, and China where the settlements are protected by large walls. Northern Europe was slower than the East to develop a defensive structure and it was not until the Bronze Age fortress of the hill developed and began to spread throughout Europe. In medieval times, the castle was influenced by early forms of elite architecture, which contributed to regional variations. Importantly, while the castle has a military aspect, they have a recognizable household structure on their walls, reflecting the multi-functional use of these buildings.
Original spots (9th and 10th centuries)
The subject of the rise of the palace is a complicated matter that has caused considerable debate. Discussion is usually associated with the emergence of the castle in reaction to attacks by Magyars, Muslims, and Vikings and the need for personal defense. The collapse of the Carolingian Empire led to the privatization of the government, and local rulers took responsibility for the economy and justice. However, while the palace proliferated in the 9th and 10th centuries, the relationship between the period of insecurity and the construction of the castle is not always clear. Some high concentrations of castles occur in safe places, while some border areas have relatively few castles.
It is possible that the castle evolved from the practice of fortifying a noble home. The biggest threat to your home or the hall is fire because it is usually a wooden structure. To protect against this, and to guard against other threats, there are some actions available: make circular ground work to keep the enemy from afar; building a hall on the rock; or arousing it in artificial mounds, known as motte, to present obstacles for attackers. While the concept of trenches, fortifications, and stone walls as an ancient defensive step, raising motte is medieval innovation.
Sewers banks and trenches are a simple form of defense, and when found without associated motte is called ringwork; when the site was used for a long time, it was sometimes replaced with more complex structures or enhanced by the addition of stone curtain walls. Building a hall on a rock does not necessarily make it immune to fire because it still has windows and wooden doors. This causes an increase of windows to the first floor - to make it harder to throw objects in - and to change the entrance from the ground floor to the first floor. These features are visible in many of the remaining bastions, which are more sophisticated versions of space. The castle is not only a defense site but also increases the control of the ruler over his land. They allow the garrison to control the surrounding area, and form the center of government, providing the master with a place to hold a court.
Building a castle sometimes requires permission from the king or other high authorities. In 864, the King of Western Francia, Charles the Bald, banned the construction of the castella without his permission and ordered them all to be destroyed. This may be the earliest reference to the castle, although military historian R. Allen Brown suggests that the word castella may have been applied to every fortress at the time.
In some countries the king had little control over the authorities, or required the construction of a new castle to help secure the land so that it did not care about the granting of permits - as happened in England after the Norman Conquest and the Holy Land during the Crusades. Switzerland is an extreme case where there is no state control over who built the palace, and as a result there are 4,000 in the country. There are very few castles dated with certainty from the mid-9th century. Converted to donjon around 950, ChÃÆ' Â ¢ teau de DouÃÆ'Â © -la-Fontaine in France is the oldest standing fort in Europe.
11th century
From 1000 onwards, references to the palace in text such as the charter increased rapidly. Historians have interpreted this as evidence of a sudden increase in the number of palaces in Europe around this time; this has been supported by an archaeological investigation that has set the date of building a castle site through ceramic inspection. The increase in Italy began in the 950s, with the number of castels rising by a factor of three to five every 50 years, while in other parts of Europe such as France and Spain the growth was slower. In 950 Provence was home to 12 palaces, with these 1000 numbers having risen to 30, and by 1030 it was more than 100. Despite the slower increase in Spain, the 1020s saw a certain growth in the number of castles in the region, particularly in the region border fighting between Christians and Muslims.
Despite the general period in which the castle became famous in Europe, their form and design varied from region to region. At the beginning of the 11th century, the motte and keep - an artificial mound flanked by palisades and towers - were the most common form of castle in Europe, everywhere except Scandinavia. While Britain, France and Italy share the tradition of woodwork continued in the architecture of the castle, Spain is more likely to use stones or mud as the main building material.
The Muslim invasion of the 8th century Iberian Peninsula introduced a building style developed in North Africa that relies on tapials, pebbles in cement, where there is not much wood supply. Although stone construction would then become common elsewhere, from the 11th century onwards it was the main building material for Christian castles in Spain, while at the same time the wood was still the dominant building material in north-western Europe.
Historians have interpreted the existence of castles throughout Europe in the 11th and 12th centuries as evidence that wars are common, and usually between local rulers. The castle was introduced to England shortly before the Norman conquest in 1066. Prior to the 12th century the palace was not uncommon in Denmark as it did in England before the Norman Conquest. The introduction of the castle to Denmark was a reaction to the attacks of the Wendish pirates, and they were usually meant as coastal defense. The motte and bailey remained the dominant shape of the castle in England, Wales, and Ireland until the 12th century. At the same time, the architecture of the castle in mainland Europe became more sophisticated.
Donjon was at the center of this castle's architectural change in the 12th century. Central towers are mushrooming, and usually have a square plan, with walls of 3 to 4 m (9.8 to 13.1 feet) thick. Their decor mimics Roman architecture, and sometimes combines double windows similar to those found in church bell towers. Donjons, who were the abode of the castle, evolved into a wider space. The emphasis of donjons design changes to reflect the shift from functional to decorative requirements, imposing a symbol of lord power on the landscape. This sometimes leads to sacrificing defense for the sake of display.
Innovation and scientific design (12th century)
Until the 12th century, stone and wooden castles built of stone and soil were contemporary, but by the end of the 12th century the number of castles built had decreased. This is partly due to the higher cost of stone built fortresses, and the obsolescence of wood and soil work sites, which means it is better to build more durable stones. Though replaced by their stone successors, wooden castles and land does not mean useless. This is evidenced by the continuous maintenance of wooden castles in the long run, sometimes several centuries; The 11th century wooden castle of Owain Glynd's in Sycharth still used in the early 15th century, its structure has been preserved for four centuries.
At the same time there is a change in the architecture of the castle. Until the late 12th century the palace generally had several towers; gateway with some defensive features like arrow or portcullis; keep large or donjon, usually square and without arrows; and the shape will be determined by the curvature of the soil (the result is often irregular or curved structures). The design of the castle is not uniform, but this is a feature that can be found in the typical castle in the mid-12th century. At the end of the 12th or early 13th century, a newly constructed castle can be expected to be polygonal, with towers in the corners to provide bathing fire for walls. The tower will protrude from the wall and display arrows at each level to allow archers to target anyone close to or on the curtain wall.
These castles do not always have anchoring, but this may be because the more complex complex castle design improves costs and keeps sacrificed to save money. Larger towers provide space for residences to make up for the loss of donjon. Where they remain, they are no longer square but polygonal or cylindrical. Gateways are stronger maintained, with entrances to the castle usually between two semi-circular towers connected by the passage above the gate - though there are various styles of gates and entrances - and one or more portcullis.
The distinctive feature of the Muslim castle of the Iberian Peninsula is the use of a separate tower, called the Albarrana tower, around the perimeter as can be seen in the Alcazaba of Badajoz. Probably developed in the 12th century, the tower provides a floating fire. They were connected to the castle with a removable wooden bridge, so if the towers were taken the rest of the castle was inaccessible.
While trying to explain the change in the complexity and style of the palace, the antiquarians found their answer at the Crusades. It seems that the Crusaders have learned a great deal about the fortification of their conflict with Saracens and the exposition of Byzantine architecture. There are legends like Lalys - an architect from Palestine who supposedly traveled to Wales after the Crusades and greatly improved the palace in the south of the country - and it is assumed that great architects like James of Saint George are from the East. By the middle of the 20th century this view was cast into doubt. The legend is discredited, and in the case of James of Saint George it is evident that he came from Saint-Georges-d'Espà © à © ranche, in France. If innovation in fortification comes from the East, it would be expected for their influence to be seen from 1100 onwards, as soon as Christians won in the First Crusade (1096-1099), rather than nearly 100 years later. The remains of Roman structures in Western Europe still stand in many places, some of which have round towers and entrances between two flanking towers.
Western European fortress builders were conscious and influenced by Roman design; the last Roman beach fortress on the English "Saxon Shore" was reused and in Spain the walls around the city ÃÆ' vila imitate the Roman architecture when it was built in 1091. The Smail historian at the Crusade argues that this case for the influence of the Eastern bastions in the West has been exaggerated, and that the Crusaders of the twelfth century in fact learned very little about the scientific design of the Byzantine and Saracens defenses. A well-built castle that uses natural defenses and has strong gutters and walls does not require a scientific design. An example of this approach is Kerak. Although there is no scientific element to its design, it is almost impenetrable, and in 1187 Saladin chose to besiege the garrison's forts and hunger than the risk of attack.
After the First Crusade, Crusaders who did not return to their homes in Europe helped find the Crusader states of the Antioch, the Edessa, the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and Tripoli. The forts they established to secure their acquisitions were largely designed by Syrian masters. Their designs are very similar to Roman fortifications or Byzantine tetrapyrgia that are square in plan and have square towers on every corner that do not project far beyond the curtain wall. The guarding of these Crusader castles will have square plans and are generally not decorated.
While the castle is used to hold the site and control the movement of troops, in the Holy Land some of the major strategic positions are left unfortified. The architecture of the castle in the East became more complex around the end of the 12th and early 13th centuries after the deadlock of the Third Crusade (1189-1192). Both Christians and Muslims create a defensive fortress, and each character is different. Saphadin, the 13th-century ruler of Saracen, created a structure with a large rectangular tower affecting Muslim architecture and copied again and again, but they had little effect on the Crusader castles.
the 13th to 15th century
At the beginning of the 13th century, Crusader castles were mostly built by the Military Order including the Hospitaller Knights, the Knights Templar, and the Teutonic Knights. Orders are responsible on the basis of sites such as Krak des Chevaliers, Margat, and Belvoir. Designs vary not only among orders, but among individual castles, although it is common for those who were founded in this period to have concentric defenses.
The concept, which comes from a palace like Krak des Chevaliers, is to remove dependence on the central point of strength and to emphasize the defense of curtain walls. There will be some defense wall rings, one inside the other, with the inner ring rising above the outside so that the field of fire is not completely obscured. If the attacker gets past the first line of defense, they will be arrested at the murder site between the inner and outer walls and have to attack the second wall.
Concentric palaces were widely copied across Europe, for example when Edward I of England - once in the fortresses built in Wales at the end of the 13th century, four of the eight that he founded had a concentric design. Not all features of the Crusader castles of the 13th century were imitated in Europe. For example, it is common in Crusader castles to have a main gate at the side of the tower and for that there are two turns in the hallway, extending the time it takes a person to reach the outer cage. Very rarely this crooked entrance can be found in Europe.
One effect of the Livonian Crusade in the Baltic was the introduction of stone and brick fortifications. Although there are hundreds of wooden castles in Prussia and Livonia, the use of bricks and mortar is unknown in the area before the Crusaders. Until the 13th century and early 14th century, their designs were heterogeneous, but this period saw the emergence of a standard plan in the region: a square plan, with four wings around the central courtyard. It is unusual for the palace in the East to have arrows on the curtain wall at various levels; Contemporary builders in Europe are wary of this because they believe it weakens the walls. Arrowslits did not compromise with the strength of the walls, but did not arrive at Edward I's program of building a palace that was widely adopted in Europe.
The Crusades also led to the introduction of machicolations into Western architecture. Until the 13th century, the spire of the tower has been surrounded by wooden galleries, allowing defenders to drop objects on the attackers below. Although machicolations do the same purpose with wood galleries, they may be an eastern invention rather than the evolution of woody shapes. Machicolations were used in the East long before the arrival of the Crusaders, and probably as early as the first half of the 8th century in Syria.
The largest period of fortress construction in Spain was in the 11th to 13th centuries, and was most often found on the disputed border between Christian and Muslim lands. Conflict and interaction between the two groups led to the exchange of architectural ideas, and Spanish Christians adopted the use of separate towers. The Spanish Reconquista, driving the Muslims out of the Iberian Peninsula, was completed in 1492.
Although France has been described as "the heart of medieval architecture", Britain was at the forefront of the architecture of the castle in the 12th century. The French historian FranÃÆ'§ois Gebelin writes: "The great revival in military architecture was led, as was expected by the kings and princes of the day, by the sons of William the Conqueror and their descendants, Plantagenet, when they became dukes of Normandy. people who built all the most typical 12th-century fortified castles left to this day ". However, at the beginning of the 15th century, the level of palace construction in England and Wales declined. The new castles are generally lighter than the previous structure and present some innovations, although a strong site is still created as did Raglan in Wales. At the same time, the French castle architecture advanced forward and led the way in the field of medieval fortress. Across Europe - especially the Baltic, German and Scottish palaces - was well built into the 16th century.
The appearance of gunpowder
Artillery supported by gunpowder was introduced to Europe in the 1320s and spread rapidly. The gun, which was originally an unexpected and inaccurate weapon, was not recorded until the 1380s. The castle is adjusted to allow small pieces of artillery - on average between 19.6 and 22 kg (43 and 49 pounds) - to shoot from the tower. These weapons are too heavy for a man to take and fire, but if he supports the butt end and puts his muzzle on the edge of the harbor rifle, he can fire his weapon. The weapon ports developed during this period show a unique feature, the horizontal wood along the opening. A hook at the end of the rifle could be locked on the wood so that the gunman did not have to take the whole weapon. This adaptation is found throughout Europe, and although wood rarely survives, there is a complete example at Castle Doornenburg in the Netherlands. Gunports is in the shape of a keyhole, with a circular hole at the bottom for the weapon and a narrow slit above to allow the shooter to shoot.
This form is very common in palaces that are adapted for weapons, found in Egypt, Italy, Scotland, and Spain, and elsewhere in between. Another type of port, though less common, is the horizontal slit - allowing only lateral movement - and large square openings, allowing for greater movement. The use of weapons for defense led to artillery palaces, such as ChÃÆ' Â ¢ teau de Ham in France. Defense against weapons is not developed until the next stage. Ham is an example of a trend for new castles to get rid of previous features like machicolations, tall towers, and crenelations.
Large arms were developed, and in the fifteenth century became an alternative to siege engines such as the trebuchet. The benefits of large arms over trebuchets - the most effective siege machines of the Middle Ages prior to the emergence of gunpowder - were those with greater range and power. In an effort to make it more effective, weapons are made larger, though this impedes their ability to reach remote castles. With the 1450s weapons were the preferred siege weapon, and their effectiveness was demonstrated by Mehmed II in the autumn of Constantinople.
The response to a more effective cannon is to build a thicker wall and prefer a round tower, since the curved side is more likely to deflect a shot than a flat surface. While this is enough for a new castle, a pre-existing structure must find a way to overcome being hit with a cannon. A land bank can be stacked behind the castle curtain wall to absorb some impact shocks.
Often, palaces built before the time of gunpowder are unable to use weapons because their walls are too narrow. The solution to this is to pull the top of the tower and to fill the bottom with the ruins to give the surface for the weapon to light up. Lowering defense in this way has the effect of making them easier to scale with the ladder. The more popular alternative defense, which avoids damaging the castle, is building a castle beyond the castle's defenses. It can be built from earth or stone and used to install weapons.
Fortress and castle of the stars (16th century)
Around 1500, the sloping fortress innovation was developed in Italy. With such developments, Italy pioneered a permanent artillery defense fortress, which took over the castle defense role. From this evolved castle of stars, also known as the traces of italienne . The elite in charge of the construction of the castle must choose between a new type that can withstand cannon fire and an earlier and more complicated style. The first is ugly and uncomfortable and the latter is less secure, though it offers greater aesthetic appeal and value as a status symbol. The second option proved more popular because it became clear that there was no point in trying to make this site truly defensible in the face of a cannon. For various reasons, the least is that many castles do not have a recorded history, there are no castles built in the medieval period. However, it is estimated that between 75,000 and 100,000 are built in Western Europe; this about 1,700 are in England and Wales and about 14,000 in German-speaking areas.
Some true castles were built in America by Spanish and French colonies. The first stage of building a Spanish fortress has been called the "castle period", which lasted from 1492 to the end of the 16th century. Beginning with Fortaleza Ozama, "these castles are essentially medieval European castles that are diverted to America". Among other defense structures (including fortresses and fortresses), the palace was also built in New France towards the end of the 17th century. In Montreal, the artillery was not as developed as in the European battlefield, some of the fortresses in the region were built like fortified fortified houses in France. Fort Longueuil, built from 1695-1698 by the baronial family, has been described as "the most medieval castle built in Canada". Luxury homes and stables are inside fortified bailey, with high round towers in every corner. "Fortress like the most important castle" near MontrÃÆ'Â © al is Fort Senneville, built in 1692 with a square tower connected by a thick stone wall, as well as a fortified windmill. Such stone castles serve as defensive dwellings, as well as impose structures to prevent Iroquois attacks.
Although the construction of the castle faded towards the end of the 16th century, the castle does not have to be all unused. Some retain roles in local government and become courts, while others are still relegated in aristocratic families as hereditary seats. A very famous example of this is the Windsor Castle in England which was founded in the 11th century and is home to the king of the British Empire. In other cases they still have a role in defense. The tower houses, which are closely linked to the palace and include the pele tower, are retained towers which are permanent dwellings built in the 14th to 17th centuries. Especially common in Ireland and Scotland, they can reach up to five high levels and become a common cage palace that is successful and built by the wider social reach of society. While it is not possible to provide as much protection as a more complex castle, they offer security against robbers and other minor threats.
Usage later and revival castle
According to archaeologists Oliver Creighton and Robert Higham, "large houses in the 17th to 20th centuries are, in the social sense, the castles of their day." Although there was a tendency for the elite to move from the palace to the country houses in the 17th century, the palace was not entirely useless. In subsequent conflicts, such as the British Civil War (1641-1651), many of the castles were rehabilitated, although later underestimated to prevent them being used again. Some country dwellings, which are not meant to be fortified, are given the castle's appearance to scare away potential invaders such as adding turrets and using small windows. An example is the 16th-century Bubaqra Castle in Bubaqra, Malta, which was modified in the 18th century.
The castle of revival or imitation became popular as a manifestation of Romantic interest in the Middle Ages and chivalry, and as part of a wider Gothic Awakening in architecture. Examples of this castle include Chapultepec in Mexico, Neuschwanstein in Germany, and Edwin Lutyens' Castle Drogo (1911-1930) Ã, - the last flicker of the movement in the British Isles. While churches and cathedrals in Gothic style can faithfully mimic medieval examples, new country houses built with "style of castle" differ internally from their medieval predecessors. This is because to be faithful to medieval design will leave the houses cold and dark by contemporary standards.
Artificial ruins, built to resemble the remains of historic buildings, are also the hallmark of the period. They are usually built as a central part in the aristocratic planned landscape. Follies are similar, though they are different from artificial ruins as they are not part of the planned landscape, but appear to have no reason to be built. Both of them attract palace architectural elements such as castellation and towers, but do not serve military purposes and are only for display.
The toy castle is also used as a common children's attraction on playgrounds and fun parks, such as the PlayMobil FunPark castle in? Al Far, Malta.
Once the castle site has been selected - whether a strategic position or that is intended to dominate the landscape as a sign of strength - building materials should be selected. An earth and wooden castle is cheaper and easier to erect than a stone built. The costs involved in the construction are not well recorded, and the most surviving records relate to the royal palace. A castle with fortresses of land, a motte, defense and wooden buildings can be built by unskilled labor. Human resources may come from local rulers, and tenants already have the necessary skills to cut the trees, dig, and work the wood needed for an earth castle and wood. Probably forced to work for their lord, the construction of earth castles and timber will not drain the client's funds. In terms of time, it has been estimated that the average size of motte - 5 m (16 ft) and width of 15 m (49 ft) at the peak - will take 50 people around 40 working days. The very expensive Motte and bailey are Clones in Ireland, built in 1211 for  £ 20. The high cost, relative to other castles of its kind, is because workers have to be imported.
The cost of building a castle varies according to factors such as the complexity and cost of transportation for materials. It is certain that stone palaces cost much more than those built from soil and wood. Even very small towers, such as Peveril Castle, will cost around £ 200. In the middle are palaces like Orford, built at the end of the 12th century for Ã, £ 1,400, and at the top end are they like Dover , which cost about Ã,  £ 7,000 between 1181 and 1191. Spending in large-scale castles such as ChÃÆ'  ¢ teau Gaillard (estimated Ã,  £ 15,000 to Ã,  £ 20,000 between 1196 and 1198) is easily supported by The Crown, but for the smaller rulers of the region, the construction of the castle is a very serious and costly job. It's usual for a stone palace to take the best part of a decade to get it done. The cost of a large castle built during this time (from £ 1,000 to £ 10,000) will take income from several manors, greatly affecting the finances of a nobleman. The cost at the end of the 13th century is of the same order, with palaces like Beaumaris and Rhuddlan at a cost of Ã,  £ 14,500 and Ã, £ 9,000 respectively. Edward's campaign to build a castle in Wales cost £ 80,000 between 1277 and 1304, and Ã, £ 95,000 between 1277 and 1329. The famous designer, Master James of Saint George, responsible for the construction of the Beaumaris, explained the cost:
In case you have to wonder where so much money can fit in a week, we want you to know that we need - and will continue to need 400 masons, cutters and layers, along with 2,000 less-skilled workers, 100 wagons, 60 wagons and 30 boats carrying stones and coal; 200 quarrymen; 30 blacksmith; and carpenters to put on the beams and floor boards and other necessary work. All this does not take into account the garrison... or the purchase of the material. That must exist in bulk... Male wages have been and are still heavily in arrears, and we have the greatest difficulty in keeping them because they have nothing to live for.
Not only are stone castles expensive to build in the first place, but their care is a constant channel. They contain a lot of wood, which is often unwarranted and consequently need careful care. For example, it is documented that at the end of the 12th century improvements in palaces such as Exeter and Gloucester cost between Ã, Â £ 20 and Ã, £ 50 per year.
Medieval machinery and inventions, such as treadwheel cranes, became indispensable during construction, and the technique of building a wooden scaffold was improved from Antiquity. When building on the stone the prominent concern of medieval builders is to have a mine close. There are several castles where rocks are dug in locations, such as Chinon, ChÃÆ' Â ¢ teau de Coucy and ChÃÆ'Â ¢ teau Gaillard. When built at 992 in France the stone tower in Château de Langeais is 16 meters (52Ã, ft) tall, 17.5 meters (57Ã, ft) wide, and 10 meters long (33Ã, ft) with an average wall 1.5 meters (4Ã, ft) 11 inside). The wall contains 1,200 cubic meters (42,000 cubic feet) of rock and has a total surface area (both inside and outside) of 1,600 square meters (17,000 sq ft). The tower is estimated to require 83,000 average working days to complete, mostly unskilled labor.
Many countries have wood and stone castles, but Denmark has little mining and as a result most of its castle is land and wood, or later built of bricks. Structures built of bricks are not necessarily weaker than their artificial stone. Brick kilns are less common in the UK than rocks or soils and wooden constructions, and are often chosen for aesthetic appeal or therefore fashionable, driven by the brick architecture of the Low Countries. For example, when Tattershall Castle was built between 1430 and 1450, there were many stones available nearby, but its owner, Lord Cromwell, chose to use bricks. About 700,000 bricks were used to build the castle, which has been described as "the best medieval brickwork in Britain". Most Spanish castles are built of stone, while Eastern European castles are usually made of wood.
Social center
Due to the presence of the master in a castle, it is the administrative center from which he controls his land. He relies on the support of the people below him, for without the support of a more powerful tenant, a lord can expect his strength to be underestimated. Successful gentlemen regularly hold courts with people just below them on a social scale, but absentees can expect to find their influence weakened. The larger Lord can be very large, and it is impracticable for a king to visit all his properties on a regular basis so that the deputies are appointed. This is primarily applied to the royal family, which sometimes has land in various countries.
In order for his master to concentrate on his duties on administration, he has a helper household to take care of such tasks as providing food. The household is run by a treasurer, while a treasurer takes care of the written records on the estate. The royal household basically takes the form of a baronial household, albeit on a much larger scale and more prestigious position. The important role of domestic servants is food preparation; the castle kitchen will be a busy place when castle is occupied, called to provide great food. Without the presence of a noble household, usually because he lives elsewhere, a castle would be a quiet place with few inhabitants, focusing on the maintenance of the castle.
As a castle the social centers are important places to display. Builders take the opportunity to exploit the symbolism, through the use of motives, to arouse the sense of knighthood aspired to the Middle Ages among the elite. The next structure of the Romantic Awakening will use the architectural elements of the castle like fortress for the same purpose. The castle has been compared to the cathedral as an object of architectural pride, and some castles incorporate the garden as a feature of ornaments. The right to crenellate, when given by the king - though that is not always necessary - is important not only because it allows the master to defend his property but because of the crenellations and other gear associated with the prestigious castle through its use by the elite. The license for crenellate is also evidence of the relationship or support of the king, who is responsible for granting permission.
Love in court is an erection of love between nobles. Emphasis is placed on restraints between lovers. Though sometimes expressed through knightly events such as tournaments, where knights will fight wearing tokens from their women, it can also be private and done in secret. The legends of Tristan and Iseult are one example of a love story narrated in the Middle Ages. It is the ideal of love between two people who are not married to each other, even though the man may marry someone else. It is unusual or disgraceful for a master to be a harassment - Henry I of England has more than 20 rogues for example - but for a woman to be promiscuous is seen as dishonorable.
The purpose of marriage between the medieval elite is to secure the land. Girls get married in their teens, but boys do not marry until they grow up. There is a popular conception that women play a peripheral role in medieval court houses, and that it is dominated by the master himself. This is derived from the castle's image as a martial arts institution, but most castles in England, France, Ireland, and Scotland have never been involved in conflict or siege, so that home life is a neglected aspect. The woman was given a booze from her husband's estate - usually about a third - of which she had to live, and her husband would inherit her death. It is his duty to direct them directly, because his master manages his own land. Though commonly excluded from military service, a woman may be responsible for a castle, either on her husband's behalf or if she is a widow. Because of their influence in medieval households, women influence construction and design, sometimes through direct patronage; historian Charles Coulson emphasized the role of women in applying "subtle aristocratic flavor" to the palace because of their long-term residence.
Locations and landscapes
The placement of the castle is influenced by the available terrain. While hill castles like Marksburg are common in Germany, where 66% of all medieval known landmarks are highlands while 34% are in the lowlands, they form a minority of sites in the UK. Due to the various functions they had to fulfill, the palace was built in various locations. Several factors are considered when choosing a site, balancing the need for a sustainable position with other considerations such as proximity to resources. For example many of the castles are located near Roman roads, which remained an important transport route in the Middle Ages, or could lead to changes or the creation of new road systems in the area. Where it is available it is common to exploit existing defenses such as building with Roman fortifications or fortresses from the Iron Age hills. A reputable site that ignores the surrounding area and offers some natural defenses may also be chosen because its visibility makes it a symbol of strength. The fortress of the city is very important in controlling the population centers and production, especially with the power of invasion, for example after the Norman Conquest of England in the 11th century the majority of the royal palaces built in or near the city.
As castles are not just military buildings but administrative centers and power symbols, they have a significant impact on the surrounding landscape. Placed by a frequently used street or river, the toll fortress ensures that a nobleman will get his ransom money from the merchant. Rural castles are often associated with factories and field systems because of their role in managing their master's property, which gives them a greater influence over resources. Others are adjacent to or in the royal forest or deer park and are important in their care. Fish farms are the luxury of the elite of the nobility, and are often found beside the palace. Not only are they practical in ensuring water supplies and fresh fish, but they are status symbols because they are expensive to build and maintain.
Although sometimes the construction of a castle leads to the destruction of a village, as in the Eaton Socon in England, it is more common for nearby villages to grow as a result of the presence of a castle. Sometimes a town or village is planned around the castle. The benefits of building palaces in the settlements are not limited in Europe. When the 13th century Safad Castle was established in Galilee in the Holy Land, 260 villages benefited from the new ability of the population to move freely. When built, a castle can produce a local landscape restructuring, with moving streets for your comfort. Settlements can also grow naturally around the castle, rather than planned, because of the benefits of proximity to the economic center in the rural landscape and the security afforded by the defense. Not all such settlements survived, for once the castle lost its importance - perhaps replaced by the noble house as the administrative center - the benefits of living next to the castle vanished and settlements diminished.
During and shortly after the Norman Conquest of England, the castle was put into pre-existing cities which were essential to control and conquer the people. They are usually located near existing city defenses, such as the Roman wall, although this sometimes results in the dismantling of structures occupying the desired location. In Lincoln, 166 homes were demolished to clean up space for the castle, and on York farmlands were flooded to make a trench for the castle. Because the military interests of city castles are diminishing from their original origins, they become more important as administrative centers, and their financial and judicial roles. When Normandy invaded Ireland, Scotland, and Wales in the 11th and 12th centuries, the settlements in those countries were predominantly non-urban, and the city's foundations were often associated with the creation of a castle.
The location of the palace in relation to high status features, such as fish ponds, is a statement of power and control of resources. Also often found near the castle, sometimes inside its defenses, is the parish church. This signifies the close relationship between feudal lords and the Church, one of the most important institutions in medieval society. Even the architectural elements of the castle that are usually interpreted as military can be used for displays. Kenilworth Castle's water feature in the UK - consisting of a moat and several satellite pools - forces anyone approaching the water castle entrance to take a very indirect route, walking around the defenses before the final approach to the gate. Another example is the 14th-century Bodiam Fortress, also in England; although it appears to be an artistic state, the sophisticated castle is in a less important location, and the trenches are shallow and more likely intended to make the site look more impressive than as a defense against mining. The approach is long and bring the viewer around the castle, making sure they get a good view before entering. In addition, gunports are impractical and unlikely to be effective.
As a static structure, palaces can often be avoided. Their direct influence area is about 400 meters (1,300 feet) and their weapons have a short distance even in the early artillery age. However, leaving the enemy behind will allow them to interfere with communication and make attacks. Garrisons are expensive and consequently often small unless the castle is important. The cost also means that in the garrison the peace time is smaller, and the small castles are manned by perhaps some guards and gatekeepers. Even in war, the garrison is not always big because too many people in the defensive forces will overwhelm the supply and damage the castle's ability to withstand long siege. In 1403, the 37 archer's forces managed to defend the Caernarfon Fort against two attacks by Owain Glynd's allies during a long siege, indicating that small troops could be effective.
At first, manning a castle was the feudal task of the followers for their kings, and became their king, but later replaced with mercenaries. A garrison is usually ordered by a policeman whose peace role will keep the castle without its owner. Underneath there will be knights who with the benefit of their military training will act as an officer class type. Beneath them are archers and archers, whose role is to prevent the enemy reaching the wall as can be seen by the position of the arrow.
If necessary to master a castle, troops can launch an attack or siege. It's more efficient to starve the garrison than to attack it, especially for the most widely defended sites. Without assistance from external sources, defenders will eventually surrender. Sieges can last for weeks, months, and in rare years if food and water supplies are abundant. Long siege can mel
Source of the article : Wikipedia