Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

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The architecture of the United States shows various architectural styles and shapes built on the country's history for more than four centuries of independence and former Spanish and British governments.

Architecture in the United States is as diverse as multicultural societies and has been shaped by many internal and external factors and regional differences. Overall it is a rich eclectic and innovative tradition.

Video Architecture of the United States


The oldest surviving structures in the region now known as the United States were made by the Ancient Pueblo people from the four corners of the region. The Tiwa-speaking people have inhabited Taos Pueblo continuously for over 1000 years. Algonquian Pomeiooc and Secoton villages that later became coastal North Carolina survived the end of the 16th century. Artist and cartographer John White lives in the short-lived Roanoke Colony for 13 months and records over 70 watercolors from indigenous people, plants and animals.

The remote location of the Hawaiian Islands from North America gives the ancient Hawaiian period a great architectural prakolonial. The initial structure reflects Polynesian heritage and Hawaiian fine culture. The late 19th century post-contact Hawaiian architecture exhibited various foreign influences such as the Spanish Colonial Revival style, the Victorian, Georgian, and early 20th century.

Maps Architecture of the United States


When Europeans settled in North America, they brought with them architectural traditions and construction techniques. The oldest buildings in America have examples. Construction depends on available resources. Wood and bricks are the most common elements of British buildings in New England, Mid-Atlantic, and the Southern coast. It also brings the conquest, destruction, and displacement of indigenous peoples' structures in their homeland, as the construction techniques of their settlements and settlements lose value compared to the colonial standards. The invaders took over the territory and the place for new forts, dwellings, missions, churches, and agricultural developments.

Spanish influence


The Spanish colonial architecture was built in Florida and the Southeastern United States from 1559 to 1821. Conch styles represented in Pensacola, Florida, adorn the homes with wrought-iron balconies, as it appears in most Spanish-built French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana. Fires in 1788 and 1794 destroyed the original French structure in New Orleans. Many of the city's buildings today are concerned with rebuilding the 18th century.

The two earliest European settlements occupied in the United States are St. Augustine, Florida founded in 1565 and Santa Fe, New Mexico. Castillo de San Marcos Castle 1672-1695 is the oldest structure of St. Augustine is still alive. This and the California mission are the rare remains of Spanish colonial architecture of the 17th century in the United States today.


The Spanish exploration of the desert of North America, now the Southwestern United States, began in the 1540s. Conquistador Francisco VÃÆ'¡squez de Coronado crosses the region in search of mystical "golden cities". Instead they discover the ancient culture and architecture of the Pueblo people. The Pueblo people built shelter from brick, dry clay bricks, with open wooden blocks. The cubic shape and their solid arrangement gave the village a single aspect. The simple, unadorned structure remains constant and cool. The Spaniards conquered this pueblos and made Pueblo de Santa Fe as the administrative capital of the Province of Santa Fe de Nuevo MÃÆ'Ã… © xico in 1609. The Governor's palace was built between 1610 and 1614, combining the influence of Indian and Spanish Pueblo. The building is long and has a terrace. The mission of San Francisco de Asis in Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico dates from the 1770s and uses adobe techniques too, which gave the building a striking display of bold savings. Centuries later the style of Pueblo Revival Style architecture developed in the region. The mission of San Xavier del Bac near Tucson, Arizona, has a Churrigueresque detailing from southern examples in New Spain. Its facade is framed by two large towers and the entrance is flanked by estipites.

California Province

At the end of the 18th century, Spain established a series of presidios (forts) in the upper Las Californias Province against the Russian and British colonies there, Presidio San Diego, Presidio Santa Barbara, Presidio of Monterey, and Presidio San Francisco was established to do this and support the occupation by new missions and settlements. From 1769 to 1823, the Franciscans created a linear network of twenty-one Missions in California. Mission has a significant influence on regional architecture in the future. An example of a period residence is Casa de la Guerra, in Santa Barbara.

English influence

Excavations in the first permanent English-language settlement, Jamestown, Virginia (founded 1607) have unearthed parts of the triangular-shaped James Fort and many artifacts from the early 17th century. Nearby Williamsburg is the colonial capital of Virginia and is now a tourist attraction as a well-preserved 18th-century town.

The New World population of 200,000 in 1657, ninety per cent of whom withdrew from Britain, using the same simple construction techniques as in their respective parent countries. These settlers often come to the New World for economic purposes, because it reveals why most early homes reflect the influence of simple village houses and small farms. The appearance of the structure is very simple and made with little imported material. Windows, for example, is very small. Its size did not increase until long after the British produced glass. This is because the Venetians had not rediscovered Roman glass until the fifteenth century and did not reach England until a hundred years later. Some of the windows that were in the early colonial houses had small panels held together by the main frame, like typical church stained glass windows. The glass used is imported from the UK and is very expensive. In the 18th century, many of these homes were restored and the shroud windows replaced the original. It was created by Robert Hooke (1635-1703) and was made so that one glass panel easily slid up, vertically, behind the others.

Wood, especially white and red cedar, is made for large and abundant building resources for settlers in the British colony, so of course many houses are made of wood. As for the decorative elements, as said before the most colonial houses were built simply and therefore the most colonial house design leads to very simple results. Although one element of fine ornament used is used at the front door. The owner will take a nail, think of an object or pattern to be made with them, and nail it to the door. The more nails you have, the more wasteful and complex the pattern is.

The most valuable architectural aspect of the house is the chimney. Large and usually made of brick or stone, the chimney is very fashionable today, especially 1600-1715. During the Tudor period in England, which lasted up to about 1603, coal became a popular material for heating homes. Before that, the wood fire was burned on the floor in the middle of the house, with smoke coming out only through the windows and vents. With coal, this method can not suffice because the smoke is unacceptable black and sticky. It needs to be conceived and the chimney function is to do just that.

The oldest building in Plymouth, Massachusetts is Harlow Old Fort House which was built in 1677 and is now a museum. The Fairbanks House (ca. 1636) in Dedham, Massachusetts is the oldest wooden frame house left in North America. Several famous colonial-era buildings remain in Boston. Boston Old North Church, built in 1723 in the style of Sir Christopher Wren, became an influential model for the design of the church of the United States then.

Arsitektur Georgia

The Georgian style emerged in the 18th century, and the Palladian architecture took over Colonial Williamsburg in the Virginia Colony. The Governor's Palace there, built in 1706-1720, has a large entrance in front. It respects the principle of symmetry and uses material found in the Tidewater region of the Mid-Atlantic colony: red brick, white-painted wood, and blue slate are used for double-sloping roofs. This style is used to build homes for wealthy plantation owners in the country and wealthy merchants in the city.

In religious architecture, the general design features are bricks, stucco-like stones, and single towers located at the top of the entrance. They can be seen in Saint Paul's Church (1761) in Mount Vernon, New York or Saint Paul's Chapel (1766) in New York, New York. The architects of this period were more influenced by the Old World architecture canon. Peter Harrison (1716-1755) used European techniques in designing the Redwood and Athenaeum Libraries (1748 and 1761), in Newport, Rhode Island and now the oldest community library still occupying the original building in the United States. Boston and Salem in the Massachusetts Bay Colony are the two main cities where the Georgian style takes over, but in a simpler style than in England, adapted to the colonial limitations.

The Georgian-style design dominated the design in the British colonial era in thirteen colonies. At Mount Pleasant's (1761-1762) home in Philadelphia, the residence was built with an upper entrance by a pediment supported by the Doric column. The roof had a balustrade and symmetrical arrangement, a characteristic neoclassical style popular in Europe at the time.

Cleveland Clinic, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, United States, America ...

Architecture for new country

In 1776 members of the Continental Congress passed the Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies. After a long and disturbing American Revolutionary War, the Treaty of 1783 of Paris recognizes the existence of a new republic, the United States. Although it was a strong split with English politically, the influence of Georgia continued to mark the building being built. Public and commercial needs grow as the region expands. The buildings of these new federal and business institutions use the classic vocabulary of columns, domes and pedimons, referring to ancient Rome and Greece, symbolizing the newly discovered democracy of the country. Architectural publications multiplied: in 1797, Asher Benjamin published the Country Builder Assistant . Americans seek to assert their political, economic, and cultural independence with new civil architecture for government, religion and education.

Federal Architecture

In the 1780s the Federal architectural style began to drift little by little from the Georgian style and became a unique American genre. At the time of the War of Independence, the houses stretched along rigorous rectangular plans, adopting curved lines and supporting decorative details such as bouquets and jars. Certain openings are ellipsoidal, one or several oval or round sections.

The Bostonian Charles Bulfinch architect installed Massachusetts State House 'in 1795-1798 with the original gold dome. He worked on the construction of several homes in Louisburg Square in the Beacon Hill quarter in Boston. Samuel McIntire designed the John Gardiner-Pingree (1805) house in Salem, Massachusetts with a sloping roof and brick fence. With Palladio as an inspiration, it connects the building with a semicircular column supported by portico.

Federal architectural styles are popular along the Atlantic coast from 1780 to 1830. These style characteristics include neoclassical elements, bright interiors with large windows and white walls and ceilings, and a decorative yet restrained appearance that emphasizes rational elements. The significant federal-style architects of the time included: Asher Benjamin, Charles Bulfinch, Samuel McIntire, Alexander Parris, and William Thornton.

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson, who was the third president of the United States between 1801 and 1809, was a scholar in many fields, including architecture. After traveling several times in Europe, he hopes to apply the formal rules of palladianism and antiquity in public and private architecture and master planning. He contributed to a plan for the University of Virginia, which started construction in 1817. The project was completed by Benjamin Latrobe applying the Jefferson architectural concept. The university library is located under The Rotunda which is covered by a dome inspired by the Roman Pantheon. The combination creates uniformity thanks to the use of white-painted bricks and wood. For the new Virginia State Capitol building (1785-1796) in Richmond, Virginia, Jefferson was inspired by Rome Rome Carr Carrà © in NÃÆ'®mes, but chose the Ionic Ion for its column. A man from the Age of Enlightenment, Thomas Jefferson has participated in the emancipation of New World architecture by expressing his vision of the art form in the service of democracy. He contributed to developing the Federal style in his country by combining European Neoclassical architecture and American democracy.

Thomas Jefferson also designed the building for his plantation, Monticello, near Charlottesville, Virginia. Monticello is a tribute to the Neo Palladian style, modeled on HÃÆ'Â'tel de Salm in Paris, seen by Jefferson as ambassador to France. The work at Monticello began in 1768 and modifications continued through 1809. This American variation on the Palladian architecture borrowed from British and Irish models and revived the tetrastyle porter with Doric columns. This interest in Roman elements is interesting in the political climate which views the ancient Roman Republic as a model

New capitals

United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. is a uniform example of urbanism: the design of the Capitol building was envisaged by Pierre Charles L'Enfant of France. It's an ideal city of monumental and neoclassicism. Some cities want to apply this concept, which is part of the reason why Washington, D.C. do it. The capital of a new country must have the best architectural example of the moment.

The White House was built after the formation of Washington, DC by congressional legislation in December 1790. After the contest, James Hoban, an Irish American, was elected and construction began in October 1792. The building he contained was modeled on the first and second floors of Leinster House, a the noble palace in Dublin, Ireland which is now the seat of the Irish Parliament. But during the War of 1812, most of the city was burned, and the White House was damaged. Only the exterior walls remained standing, but it was reconstructed. The walls are painted white to hide damage caused by fire. At the beginning of the 20th century, two new wings were added to support government development.

The United States Capitol was built in successive stages starting in 1792. Shortly after the completion of the construction, it was partly burned by the British during the War of 1812. The reconstruction began in 1815 and did not end until 1830. During the 1850s, the building was greatly expanded by Thomas U Walter. In 1863, the Statue of Freedom , placed on top of the current dome (new at the time).

The Washington Monument is an Obelisk founded in honor of George Washington, the first American president. It was Robert Mills who had designed it originally in 1838. There is an understandable color difference to the bottom of the monument, which due to its hiatus construction due to lack of money. Height 555.5 feet (169.3 m), completed in 1884 and opened to the public in 1888.


In the Deep South, the colonial houses sometimes supported neoclassical swords with columns, such as at Belle Meade Plantation in Tennessee, with symmetrical column terraces and narrow windows. The domestic architecture in the South adapted the classic model by supporting a mid-high balcony on the front without a pediment or porch entrance, such as the Oak Alley Plantation, at St. James Parish, Louisiana. These houses adapt to the regional climate and into the plantation economy with forced labor for construction.

Modern Architecture Pictures: View Images of Colorado Springs

Frontier vernacular

The Homestead Act of 1862 brings ownership of property within the reach of millions of citizens, displaced indigenous people, and changed the character of settlement patterns in Great Plains and Southwest. The law offers free simple farming for every adult male who cultivates the land for five years and builds a residence on the property. This forms a remote rural agricultural pattern in the Midwest and the West, rather than villages and towns in Europe and the eastern United States. Settlers built houses from local materials, such as rustic soil, semi-cut stones, cobble mortars, adobe bricks, and rough beams. They set up wooden huts in forest areas and sod houses, such as Sod House (Cleo Springs, Oklahoma), in a treeless meadow. The current sustainable architecture method of straw-straw construction was pioneered in the late 19th century Nebraska with a propeller engine.

The Spaniards and then Mexican Alta California Ranchos and early American pioneers used clay available to make adobe bricks, and trunks of distant forest trees for beams sparingly. Locally made tile is produced by Indian Mission. As milled wood became more available in the mid-19th century Monterey Colonial architectural style was first developed in Monterey and then spread. Adobe Leonis, Larkin House, and Rancho Petaluma Adobe are original examples.

The Best College Architecture in the United States | Travel + Leisure

mid-19th century

Greek Awakening

The style of Greek revival attracted American architects who worked in the first half of the 19th century. The young people, free of British patronage, were persuaded to become the new Athena, that is to say, a foyer for democracy.

Benjamin Latrobe (1764-1820) and his disciples William Strickland (1788-1854) and Robert Mills (1781-1855) obtained a commission to build several banks and churches in major cities (Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, DC).

Several state capitol buildings adopted the Greek Awakening style such as in North Carolina (Capitol building in Raleigh, rebuilt in 1833-1840 after a fire) or in Indiana (Capitol building in Indianapolis). One of the following examples is the Ohio State Capitol in Columbus, designed by Henry Walters and completed in 1861. Simple Façade, continuous cornices and absence of domes give the impression of savings and building greatness. It has a very symmetrical design and houses the Supreme Court and the library. Rare styles are also adopted around this time, the architecture of the Egyptian Awakening.


Gothic Awakening

From the 1840s, Gothic Revival became popular in the United States, under the influence of Andrew Jackson Downing (1815-1852). He defined himself in a reactionary context to classicism and the development of romance. His work is characterized by a return to medieval decorations: chimneys, roofs, embrasure towers, warhead windows, gargoyles, stained glass and a very sloping roof. Buildings adopt intricate designs that draw inspiration from symmetry and neoclassicism.

The big families on the east coast have large plantations and large-scale villas built with antipodes of Neoclassicism. Some take the House of Strawberry Hill Horace Walpole as a model. Alexander Jackson Davis (1803-1892) works in villa projects in the Hudson River Valley and uses the details of the Gothic to Baroque repertoire. For the Jay Gould country house, "Lyndhurst" in Tarrytown, New York, Alexander Jackson Davis designed a building with complex asymmetrical outlines, and opened a two-level art gallery with stained glass windows.

New York City is home to Saint Patrick's James Renwick Jr., an elegant synthesis of Notre Dame Cathedral in Reims and Cologne Cathedral. The project was entrusted to him in 1858 but was completed by the establishment of two towers on the facade in 1888. The use of lighter material than a stone allowed to pass from flying flies to the outside support. Renwick also showed his talent in Washington, D.C. with the development of the Smithsonian Institution. But his criticism denounces him for damaging the harmony of the capital's architecture by building an eccentric combination in red bricks using the Byzantine, Romanesque, Lombard, and eclectic themes.

Richard Upjohn (1802-1878) specializes in rural churches in the northeast, but his main work is still "Trinity Church" in New York. The red sandstone architecture refers to a 16th century form in Europe. The Gothic Awakening style is also used in the construction of universities (Yale, Harvard) and churches. The success of the Gothic Revival extended to the beginning of the 20th century in many skyscrapers, especially in Chicago and in New York.

The Mind of an Architect - 99% Invisible

Gilded Age and 1800s

End Victorian Architecture

After the American Civil War and through the turn of the 20th century, a number of related styles, trends, and movements emerged, loosely and widely categorized as "Victorian," because of their correspondence with similar movements at the time in the United Kingdom. during the reign of Queen Victoria later. Many architects working during this period will cross different modes, depending on the commission. Key influential American architects of that period included Richard Morris Hunt, Frank Furness, and Henry Hobson Richardson.

After the war, the unique American Stick Style was developed as a form of construction using trusswork trunks, as the name suggests. This style is commonly used in homes, hotels, train depots, and other structures primarily of wood. The buildings were topped by high roofs with steep slopes and decorations protruding from the roof. The exterior is not bare decor, although the main purpose remains comfortable. Richard Morris Hunt built John N. Griswold's home in Newport, Rhode Island in 1862 with this style. "Stick Style" is increasingly abandoned after c. 1873, gradually evolves into the Queen Anne Style.

On the west coast of California, Oregon, and Washington, domestic architecture evolved equally toward a more modern style. San Francisco has many representations of architectural styles Victorian, Italian, Stick-Eastlake, and Queen Anne. C. 1850s 1900. Built with Redwood wood they withstood the 1906 San Francisco earthquake itself, although some burned thereafter. They introduced the contemporary service of central and electric heating. The Carson Mansion was conceived by Builder-Architects, Samuel and Joseph Cather Newsom and was built by the army of more than 100 artisans from the owner's massive timber operations, clearly located in the head of Eureka, California's Old Town in Humboldt Bay. It is widely regarded as one of Queen Anne's supreme execution styles in California and the United States.

On the east coast of Queen Anne evolved into a Shingle Style architecture. It is characterized by attention to more relaxed rural drawings. Richardson designed William Watts Sherman House (1874-1875) in Newport, Rhode Island, and Mary Fiske Stoughton House (1882-1883) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Charles Follen McKim Newport Casino (1879-1881) using an asymmetrical facial shingle clad.

While medieval influences rose substantially, in the second half of the 19th century, architects also responded to a commission for residential-scale housing with Renaissance Revival dwellings. The industrial and commercial tycoons invested in stone mansions and commissioned replicas of European palaces. The Biltmore Estate is close to Asheville, North Carolina is in the French Chau Chau revival style, and is the largest private residence in the US Richard Morris Hunt interprets the wings of Louis XII and FranÃÆ'§ois I of ChÃÆ'Â ¢ teau de Blois for that.

The rise of skyscrapers

The most prominent architectural innovation of the United States is the skyscraper. Some technical advances allow this. In 1853 Elisha Otis invented the first safety elevator that prevented the car falling down the axle if the suspended cable broke. The elevator allows the building to rise above four or five stories that people are willing to climb through the stairs for normal occupancy. The 1868 competition decided on the design of six Stories of Justice Building in New York City, which will be the first commercial building to use the elevator. Construction began in 1873. Other structures followed such as the Auditorium Building, Chicago in 1885 by Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan. It adopts the Italian palazzo design detail to provide a structured look: for decades the American skyscraper will blend conservative decorative elements with technical innovation.

Soon skyscrapers face new technological challenges. The stone wall of the load becomes impractical as the height of the structure increases, reaching a technical limit of about 20 floors (culminating in the 1891 Monadnock Building by Burnham & Root in Chicago). Professional engineer William LeBaron Jenney solved the problem with a steel support frame at the 10-storey Home Insurance Building in Chicago, 1885. It is arguably the first true skyscraper. The use of thin curtain walls instead of loader walls reduces the overall weight of the building by two-thirds. Another feature that became famous in the 20th century skyscrapers first appeared in the Chicago Reliance Building, designed by Charles B. Atwood and EC Shankland, Chicago, 1890-1895. Since the outer walls no longer bear the weight of the building, it is possible to increase window size. It became the first skyscraper to have a glass window plate that occupied most of its outer surface.

Some of the most graceful early towers were designed by Louis Sullivan (1856-1924), the first major modern American architect. His most gifted disciple was Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), who spent most of his career designing private homes with matching furniture and generous open space usage.

Beaux-Arts and the American Renaissance

The "White City" Daniel Burnham of the Columbus World Exposition of 1893, held in Chicago, Illinois, ceremonially marked the beginning of the golden age for Beaux-Arts styles, and large corporations such as McKim, Mead and White. This era is documented in photo architecture albums such as Albert Levy's Photography Architecture series .

The Columbian Exposition also reflects the emergence of American landscape architecture and city planning. Noteworthy are the works of Frederick Law Olmsted, a famous and prolific landscape architect who had designed Midway Plaisance of the 1893 Exhibition, having previously designed New York's Central Park in the 1850s, the layout of the National Zoo in Washington, DC, and many other works nationwide. Olmsted and his sons are also involved in the City Beautiful movement, which, as the name implies, seeks to transform the city aesthetically (and thus culturally). The aspirations of movement can be seen in McMillan's Plan for Washington, D.C..

As the century progresses, Beaux-Arts's influence will become more controllable, returning to its neoclassical roots. The Lincoln Memorial (1915-1922), made of marble and white limestone, took its shape from a dorik order that ordered a Greek temple without pediment. The architect, Henry Bacon, a student of the ideas of the Beaux-Arts school, intended 36 columns of monuments to represent each of the 36 states in the Union at the time of Lincoln's death. The Jefferson Memorial is the last major monument built in the Beaux-Arts tradition, in the 1940s. The architect, John Russell Pope, wanted to uncover Jefferson's taste for Roman buildings. This is why he decided to emulate the Pantheon in Rome and admire buildings with similar domes. It was heavily criticized by the supporters of the International Style.

USA, United States, America, Georgia, Atlanta, architecture, cars ...

Suburbs (1890-1930)

With a boom in the use of electric trams, inner-city periphery develops around big cities, then aided by the emergence of bicycles and cars. The explosion in this construction will result in a new and distinctive American shape that will come up: the American Foursquare.

Arts and Crafts Movement

  • Greene and Greene - Gamble House (Pasadena, California), Robert R. Blacker House, Thorsen House
  • Bernard Maybeck - Church of Swedenborgian (San Francisco, California)
  • Mary Jane Colter - Mary Jane Colter Building
  • Julia Morgan - Asilomar Conference Grounds
  • Lummis House
  • Adirondack Architecture, Log in home
  • Frank Lloyd Wright and Prairie School

Frank Lloyd Wright and Prairie School

  • Frank Lloyd Wright - Frank Lloyd Wright's list works, Frank Lloyd Wright's list works based on location
    • Taliesin East, Taliesin West
    • Robie House, Ennis House, Fallingwater, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

Home Catalog

USA, United States, America, Georgia, Atlanta, architecture, cars ...

Revivalism in the 20th century

The trend of reviving the previous style continued from the 19th century. Many of the revivals that began in the late nineteenth century into the twentieth century will focus more on regional characteristics and early styles plaguing the United States and eclectically from abroad, more influenced by the rise of middle-class tourism.

Mediterranean Awakening

The beginning of the 20th century saw the Mediterranean style Revival architecture entering the vocabulary of real estate design. The main and significant example is the Hearst Castle on the Central Coast of California, designed by architect Julia Morgan. The San Francisco Bay Area Filoli estate, by Willis Polk, is in Woodside, California with mansion and gardens now part of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and open to the public.

The Dumbarton Oaks estate, in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., has an Italian Renaissance garden by early architects Beatrix Farrand architectural and architectural designs by several architects including Philip Johnson. Harold Lloyd Estate, "Greenacres" in Beverly Hills, California, is a significant example of the 1920s, with extensive gardens by the era's leading estate landscape designer, A.E. Hanson.

Spanish Colonial Revival

The Panama-California exhibition in 1915 by the architecture of Bertram Goodhue and Carleton Winslow Sr. deliberately moved beyond the Style of the Resurrection of Mission, from the learned Spanish colonial architecture and the refinement of Churrigueresque and Plateresque in Mexico. The project was a popular success, and introduced the Spanish Colonial Revival style to many design and community professionals in California and across the country.

George Washington Smith, based in Montecito and Santa Barbara, designed in detail and integrated the Spanish Colonial Realization Revival Casa del Herrero in 1926. Smith, Bertram Goodhue, Wallace Neff, and other well-known architects created many 'Country Place Era' properties all over California during this period. A civil example is the Santa Barbara County Court and a commercial example of the Mission Inn in Riverside, California.

Other colonies

  • Architecture of the Colonial Revival - Colonial America
    • Cape Cod Style
  • Dutch Colonial Revival Architecture
  • Tudor Awakening Architecture
  • Pueblo Revival Architecture

Awakening exotic

  • Moorish Revival Architecture, commonly used in Shriner temples and cinemas.
  • Mayan Awakening architecture
  • The Egyptian Awakening Architecture

San Francisco, California, United States | World Information ...

Moderne Style and Interwar skyscraper

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One of the earliest significant skyscrapers is the New York City Woolworth Building designed by architect Cass Gilbert, 1913. Upgrading previous technological advances to new heights, 793 ft (233 m), was the tallest building in the world until 1930. Frank Woolworth liked the cathedral gothic. Cass Gilbert built an office building as a trade cathedral and incorporated many decorative elements of the Gothic revival. The main entrance and lobby contain many austerity allegories, including seeds that grow into oaks and a man loses his shirt. The popularity of the new Woolworth Building inspires many imitations of the Gothic revival among skyscrapers and remains a popular design theme until the era of art deco. Other public concerns arose after the introduction of the building. The Woolworth Building blocks large amounts of sunlight into the environment. This inspired the laws of New York City's decline that remained in effect until 1960. Basically the law permits structures to rise to any altitude as long as it reduces the area of ​​each tower floor to a quarter of the floor space of the building.

Another important event in the history of the skyscrapers is the competition for the Chicago Tribune Tower. Although the competition chose gothic designs that were influenced by Woolworth buildings, some of the many competing entries became influential on other 20th century architectural styles. Finisher second place Eliel Saarinen proposes a modernist design. Entries from Walter Gropius bring attention to Bauhaus schools.

Lego Architecture 21030 United States Capitol Building Speed Build ...

Roadside Architecture

The American car culture has spawned many forms of typical architectural expressions in the country (or in addition to Canada), which often comes from the native language, especially in the Diners.



Miami Modern

Architecture, history and politics, Old State House, Freedom Trail ...

Post-War Suburb

1944 G. I. Bill of Rights is another federal government decision that changes the architectural landscape. Government-backed loans make home ownership affordable for more citizens. Affordable cars and popular preferences for single detached family homes lead to the emergence of suburbs. Simultaneously lauded for their quality of life and cursed for monotonous architecture, this has become a familiar feature of the United States landscape.

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Modernism and reaction

Initial Modernism

Interest in the simplification of interior space and the exterior facade evolved due to the work of Irving Gill, characterized by several California homes with flat roofs in the 1910s such as Walter Luther Dodge's house in Los Angeles. Rudolf M. Schindler and Richard Neutra adapted European modernism to the California context of the 1920s with the "Lovell Beach House" set up in Newport Beach and Schindler House in West Hollywood, and the last Lovell Health House in the Hollywood Hills.

International style

  • Ludwig Mies van der Rohe - Farnsworth House (Plano, Illinois), 860-880 Apartment Lake Shore Drive
  • Louis Kahn - Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Phillips Exeter Academy Library
  • Richard Neutra - Von Sternberg House, Kaufmann Desert House
  • Eero Saarinen - TWA Flight Center, Dulles International Airport
  • Welton Becket - Capital Archive Building, Riverplace Tower, Fair Living Building
  • Antoine Predock - CLA Building, Flint RiverQuarium, McNamara Alumni Center

European architects who emigrated to the United States before World War II launched what became the dominant movement in architecture, International Style. The Lever House introduces a new approach to the uniform skyscraper glass, and is located in Manhattan. An influential modernist immigrant architect was Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969) and Walter Gropius (1883-1969), both former directors of the famous German design school, Bauhaus.

The Movement of Reliance Building to an increasing window area reached its logical conclusion in a New York City building with a Brazilian architect on the mainland who is technically not part of the United States. UN headquarters, 1949-1950, by Oscar Niemeyer had the first complete glass curtain wall.

American government buildings and skyscrapers in this period have a style known as Federal Modernism. Based on pure geometric shapes, buildings in the International style have been hailed as minimalist monuments to American culture and corporate success by some, and criticized as sterile glass boxes by others.

Hotel Skycraper gained popularity with the construction of John Portman (1924-) Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel in Atlanta followed by the Renaissance Center in Detroit which remains the highest skyscraper hotel in the western hemisphere.


In reaction to the "glass box" problem, some young American architects such as Michael Graves (1945-) have rejected the rigid and square-shaped view that supports postmodern buildings, as did Philip C. Johnson (1906-2005) strikingly. contours and thick decorations that allude to historical architectural styles.

  • Frank Gehry - List of works by Frank Gehry
    • Chiat/Day Building, Walt Disney Concert Hall, Experience of Music Project and Museum of Sci-Fi Fiction and Hall of Fame

Usa Rome Georgia Oak Hill Plantation Mansion Villa House ...

Architecture as an American profession

Education and practice

Formal education and US architectural practices began in the early nineteenth century when Thomas Jefferson, and others, recognized the need for trained architects to meet the acute need for professionals to support developing countries. It was then that architecture education became institutionalized in a formal setting; Prior to this, the dominant model for training was the apprenticeship for artisans, "the best hit-or miss education proposition." In addition, most who call themselves architects during that time period are male, wealthy, white, and trained in French Ecole des Beaux Arts (School of Fine Arts) education philosophy. According to Georg Hegel, the philosophy of art, by definition, focuses on aesthetics and intellectual purposes, rather than practical functions. This is the basis on which Thomas Jefferson, and others, formulated the pedagogy of US architecture 150 years ago. According to Ernest Boyer and Lee Mitgang, a philosophy that advocates:

  1. leaving the practical nature of the profession to be learned outside of formal education;
  2. architectural design to be carried out by competitive methods, with judgment by the jury;
  3. the study of continuous design through school, and design issues should not be too practical, but rather should stimulate imagination through major master studies;
  4. and the architectural curriculum covers the broadest possible cultural background.

This philosophy does not mention scientific research or social science. This legacy means that currently, less than 20% of 115 accredited Schools of Architecture offer a Ph.D. program; besides, only a handful offers exposure and experience in rigorous research in building science & amp; technology center and laboratory setting. According to Gordon Chong, the architectural profession has emphasized "looking back as a means to justify design decisions for future design," there remains a significant imbalance in learning between experience, intuition, and evidence-based design.

There are currently over 83,000 members of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). The Council of National Architecture Registration Board (NCARB) estimates the number of licensed architects in the United States at 105,847. The architecture company employs about 158,000 people in the United States (Bureau of Labor Statistics).

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 33 professions were identified as over 90% white, including architecture at 91.3% white. Numerous occupational professions are also over 90% white, including construction managers (91.8%), construction supervisors (91.8%), and cost estimators (93.9%), and associated construction traders including electricity (90.0% ), painters (90.7%), carpenters (90.9%), masons (91.2%), steel workers (92.3%), and sheet metal workers (93.5%). The US workforce is 80% white.

Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis, United States. Architect: Frank ...

See also

  • Architectural statue in the United States
  • Architectural styles
  • List of architectural styles
  • The Culture of the United States
  • Hawaiian architecture
  • Favorite Architecture of America
  • Southern plantation architecture
  • European medieval architecture in North America
  • Campus history and architecture in the United States
  • The Fountainhead (a novel with a plot that focuses on American Architecture)

Opinions on Architecture of the United States


Further reading

  • Fletcher, Banister; Cruickshank, Dan, Sir Banister Fletcher is Architectural History, Architectural Press, 20th edition, 1996 (first published in 1896). ISBN 978-0-7506-2267-7. Cf. Part Six, Chapter 37.
  • Reiff, Daniel D. House of Books , Penn State Press, 2001 ISBNÃ, 978-0-271-01943-7
  • McAlester, Virginia Savage (2013). Field Guide to American Homes (Revised): A Definitive Guide to Identifying and Understanding the Domestic Architecture of America . Knopf. ISBN: 978-1400043590.

External links

  • The American Historical Buildings Survey at the Library of Congress
  • Institute of American Architects, national professional organizations
  • Deerborn Mass Photography Collection at Washington University Library of Northwest Pacific Architecture.
  • Center for Palladian Studies in America
  • The Historyscoper - architecture/architect
  • 1057 historic photographs of American buildings and architects; this is enough in 1923 and there is no copyright.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
