Instant movie is a type of photography film introduced by Polaroid for use in instant cameras (and, with accessory hardware, many other professional film cameras). The film contains chemicals needed to develop and improve photos, and instant cameras expose and start the development process once the photo is taken.
In earlier Polaroid instant cameras, the film is pulled through a roller that breaks a pod containing reagents that spread between negative sheets and receive positive sheets. The film sandwich grew for some time after the positive sheet was peeled off negatively to reveal the developed photo. In 1972, Polaroid introduced an integral film, which combined time and received layers to automatically develop and improve photos without the intervention of the photographer.
Instant movies are available in sizes from 24 mm - 36 mm (0.94 in - 1.42 in) (similar to 135 films) up to 50.8 cm - 61 cm (20 inches in 24 hours) size, with the most popular movie sizes for a consumer snapshot to be around 83 mm - 108 mm (3.3 inches 4.3 inches) (the image itself is smaller because it is surrounded by a border). Early instant films are distributed on rolls, but then and current films are provided in packs of 8 or 10 sheets, and single sheet films for use in large format cameras with compatible backs.
Although the quality of integral instant films is not as good as conventional films, peel black and white films, and to a lesser extent color films approach the quality of traditional film types. Instant films are used where it is undesirable to have to wait for conventional rolls of film to be completed and processed, for example, documenting evidence in law enforcement, in health care and scientific applications, and producing photos for passports and other identity documents, or just for snapshots to be instantly visible. Some photographers use instant films for shooting tests, to see how subjects or settings look before using conventional films for final exposure. Instant films are also used by artists to achieve effects that are not possible with traditional photography, by manipulating emulsions during the development process, or separating the image emulsion from the bottom of the film. Instant movies have been replaced for most purposes with digital photography, allowing the results to be viewed directly on a display screen or printed with sublimation dye, inkjet, or home printer or laser professional.
Instant movies are notorious for having more movie speed available than other negative films of the same era, which have been produced in ISO 4 to ISO 20,000. The current instant movie format usually has an ISO between 100 and 1000.
Two companies produce instant films: Fujifilm (Instax Instax film for Instax cameras), and Polaroid Originals (formerly The Impossible Project) for older Polaroid cameras (600, SX-70, Spectra and 8ÃÆ' â € "10) and camera I -Type it.
Video Instant film
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Instant positive film (which produces prints) using diffusion transfer to move dye from negative to positive through reagent. The process varies according to the type of film.
Movie roll/pack
In 1947 Edward H. Land introduced the Polaroid-Land process. The first instant movies produced a sepia tone photo. Negative sheets are exposed in the camera, then lined up with positive sheets and squeezed through a set of rollers that propagate reagents between two layers, creating a developing "sandwich" film. The negatives develop rapidly, after which several unbound halides of silver halide (and the latent image it contains) are dissolved by the reagent and transferred by diffusion from negative to positive. After a minute, depending on the type of film and ambient temperature, negatively peeled to reveal the image transferred to the positive receiver sheet. The correct black and white film was released in 1950 after problems with chemical stabilization were overcome.
Subtractive color film
Color films are much more complex because of several layers of emulsion and dye. Negative consists of three layers of emulsion that are sensitive to the primary colors (red, green, and blue) each with a layer of dye that develops beneath complementary colors (cyan, magenta, and yellow). As the light exposes negatively, the reagent spreads between negative and positive and the growing dye layer migrates to the positive surface where it forms the photo. The colored emulsion coatings each block the complementary dye underneath, reproducing the original color. For example, a blue sky photo will expose a blue emulsion, block all the yellow dye underneath it and allow the magenta dye layer and cyan to migrate positive to form blue.
Film integral
This process is similar to subtractive color instant film by adding recipient time and layer. The land solution is to combine an opacifier, which gets dark when removed from the camera, and then becomes clear to reveal the photo. The film itself integrates all layers to expose, develop, and refine photos into plastic envelopes and frames that are commonly associated with Polaroid photographs.
Additional color film
Additive films (such as Polavision and Polachrome slide films) use a color mask of thin, transparent red, green, and blue microscopic thin lines (3000 lines per inch) and black and white emulsion layers to reproduce color images in transparency film. The resulting dye developers (unexposed emulsions) block unnecessary color and project the color or color combination formed in the resulting image. Because the lines are so close to each other, the human eye easily combines the primary colors into one to form the correct colors, such as an LCD screen or television. For example, a yellow flower photo will expose the emulsion under a red and green mask and not a blue mask. The development process removes the open emulsion (under a red and green mask) and spreads unexpanded dye developers (under the blue mask) to the receiving layer, blocking incoming light. It produces a projected light shining through a red and green mask but not a blue mask, creating a yellow color. Due to the film density, the speed of the film is certainly slow. High precision is required for the production of this film.
Maps Instant film
Movie brand
Polaroid Corporation creates and manufactures a variety of instant films. Roll movies are distributed in two negative and positive rolls separated and developed inside the camera. It was introduced in 1948 and produced until 1992. The film sheet was introduced in 1958 for "4x5 4x5 film holder." Each sheet contains a reagent, negative and positive receiving pod, and is loaded separately and developed outside the film holder. In 1973 Polaroid introduced instant film 8x10.Pack film is distributed in a package of films containing negative and positive sheets and developed outside the camera.It was introduced in 1963. Integral films are also distributed in the movie package, but each film envelope contains all the chemical layers to expose, develop, and fix the photo.It was introduced in 1972.
Polavision is an instant movie movie. Polavision was introduced by Polaroid in 1978, with an image format similar to the Super 8 mm film, and based on an additional color process. Polavision needed a special camera and tabletop viewer, and was not commercially successful, but led to the development of 35 mm color slide film. Polavision films have been taken from the market. Polachrome is an easy to develop 35 mm film, available in color, monochrome and 'blue' formats (the latter meant for making title cards). Each film roll comes with a cartridge containing expanding chemicals pressed between the film and a progressed strip with a hand-turning machine called AutoProcessor. The AutoProcessor is very cheap and does not require dark rooms; the results are somewhat variable, the resolution is not as good as conventional films because of the small red, green and blue filter matrices needed to make monochrome emulsions work in color, and the sensitivity is low, even for slide film; in tungsten light, Polachrome CS is rated at ISO 40. It was introduced in 1983.
The polaroid integral film package usually contains a flat "Polapulse" electric battery, which drives the in-camera system, including exposure and focus mechanisms, electronic flash, and film ejection motors. The inclusion of batteries in the movie package ensures that fresh batteries are available with every new movie package.
Polaroid no longer produces instant film. It has become an organization licensing its brand name to other manufacturers. An example of this is the Polaroid 300 camera, which is a Fuji Instax branded Polaroid. The Polaroid PIF-300 film was basically renamed the Fuji Instax mini movie.
Polaroid has the same storage standard under ISO 18920: 2000 like other photos. Regular storage conditions should be less than 70 degrees Fahrenheit and between 50% to 30% relative humidity (RH). Cold storage (optimum 0 degrees Fahrenheit) does not help unless RH can be controlled and RH cold storage is generally drier than needed. RH below 30% will create an environment that is too dry and can cause curved photos. Polaroid transfer removes emulsions from plastic and residual chemicals, offering alternative forms of preservation.
End of production
In February 2008, Polaroid (then under the control of Thomas J. Petters of Petters Group Worldwide) announced it would stop production of all instant films; the company closed three factories and fired 450 workers. The sale of chemical films by all makers has dropped by at least 25% annually since 2000, but the birth of new interest around Fujifilm and, in particular, Project Impossible films meets the demand in the market.
Integral movie
- The SX-70 camera (integral film, develops automatically, 3.1 ÃÆ'â € "3.1 inches)
- 600 cameras (integral film, develop automatically, 3.1 ÃÆ'â € "3.1 inches)
- Spectrum/Picture/1200 camera (integral film, develop automatically, 3.6 ÃÆ'â € "2.9 inches)
- Captiva/Vision (integral film, for Captiva and Joycam, 4.4 ÃÆ'â € "2.5 inches, 11.1 ÃÆ'â €" 6.4 cm)
- i-Zone (integral film, for i-Zone, Tomy Xiao, 1.5 ÃÆ'â € "1 inch, 3.6 cm ÃÆ'â €" 2.4 cm)
- i-Zone200 (integral film, for i-Zone200 only, 1.5 ÃÆ'â € "1 inch, 3.6 cm ÃÆ'â €" 2.4 cm)
- Type 330 series AutoFilm (integral film to use Polaroid CB-33 backs, 3Ã,¼ ÃÆ'â € "4Ã,¼ inch).
- Type in the 100 packfilm series for Land cameras (separate peel-time development, sometimes called type 660, 10.8 ÃÆ'â € "8.3 cm; 4.25 ÃÆ'â €" 3.25 inches)
- Type 550 packfilm pack, 4 ÃÆ'â € "5 inches, for Polaroid 550 movie back. Introduced in 1981.
- Type 80 series packfilm, 8.3 ÃÆ'â € "8.6Ã, cm, (3Ã,¼ ÃÆ'â €" 3 3/8 inch). Introduced in 1971; was reintroduced in 2003.
- Roll film type 20 series, for "The Swinger" (2 ½ "ÃÆ'â €" 3Ã,¼ "). Introduced 1965, discontinued 1979.
- Type 30 series roll film, for "Highlander" (80, 80A, 80B) and J33 Electric Eye (2 ½ "ÃÆ'â €" 3Ã,¼ "). Introduced in 1954, discontinued in 1979.
- Roll film type 40 (3Ã,¼ "ÃÆ'â €" 4Ã,¼ ") 8 exposures per roll (for monochrome type, 6 exposures for type 48 Polacolor), for most Polaroid cameras made before 1963. Introduced in 1948 , discontinued 1976 (Polacolor) and 1992 (monochrome).
Sheet film
- Type 50 series sheetfilm for 4 ÃÆ'â € "5 inch large format (separate peel development time, all professional values)
- Type 800 series sheetfilm for 8 ÃÆ'â € "10 inch camera, processor, Daylabs, and other purposes.
PolaBlue, PolaChrome CS, PolaChrome HCP, PolaGraph HC, dan PolaPan CT adalah film slide instan 35 mm.
20x24 P3 PatternColor, 20x24 P7 PatternColor, and 20x24 Patterns.
- 40x80 Pattern ER, ISO 80, color
Other movies
- Polaroid IJT-100 transparency film, Type 1001 radiography film, and Type 3000X radiography film.
Kodak produced a negative component of the Polaroid instant film from 1963 to 1969, when Polaroid decided to produce it himself. Kodak's original plan was to make an instant product of packfilm type. There are many prototypes and movie trials with many personal demonstrations to their councils. The plan changed when Polaroid in 1972 released an integral type film with the introduction of the SX-70 system. Kodak decided to remove plans for the release of the film and focus on an integral type process. A few years later Kodak introduced its own instant movie product in 1976, which differed from Polaroid in several ways:
Kodak's instant film is exposed from the back without a mirror, the opposite of a Polaroid film exposed from the front with a mirror to reverse the image. Kodak uses a matte coating on the front, made possible by exposing the film through the back. Negative and empty pods can be removed by peeling from the back of the mold. Unlike the Polaroid integral film package, Kodak does not contain batteries, and uses conventional batteries. The Kodak PR 10 movie was found to have a problem of light fading stability.
Polaroid filed a lawsuit against Eastman Kodak in April 1976 for infringement of ten patents held by Edwin Land and others on his development team relating to instant photography. In September 1985, the Massachusetts District Court of the United States ruled that seven patents were legitimate and infringed, two patents were invalid but infringed, and one was legal but not violated by Kodak. Kodak appealed but was denied and the order prohibited the production of instant films and their cameras were put into effect. Kodak's appeal to the Supreme Court was rejected several months later, and in January 1986, Kodak announced that they were no longer producing their instant product line. In 1991, Polaroid got $ 925 million for damages from Kodak.
Alternative Kodak Alternative Movies
While Kodak's instant film has been discontinued, Fuji's instant films available in Japan since the 1980s are very similar to Kodak's. The images are the same size, the cartridges are almost identical, with some easy plastic modifications; Fuji Fotorama series films can be made to fit. It's closest to Kodak with ISO 160, many camera brightness controls can be customized to work with different ISOs; However, the FI-10 series was discontinued in the 1990s. The faster ISO 800 instant film will work as well but will require the use of filters either on the film cartridge or the lens.
In Japan, Fujifilm introduced their own instant photography product line in 1981 starting with the ranks of Fotorama cameras. The name Fotorama comes from photos and panoramas, because the movie has a wide format compared to the Polaroid SX-70/600 square film. The Integral film was developed similarly to Kodak with the first back layer. This presents a major problem for Fujifilm because of the ongoing litigation between Kodak and Polaroid. Polaroid also has a separate suit with Fujifilm and their instant film patents in Japan. When Kodak lost, Fujifilm could work with Polaroid to allow their cameras and movies to stay on the market, provided they have a technology sharing agreement. Polaroid is interested in branched off into magnetic media during the booming era of video recording and has acquired a company called MagMedia Ltd. Fujifilm has a long history in magnetic media since the mid-1950s. This causes Polaroid to have access to the vast electronic products, video tapes, and floppy discs of Fujifilm. This allows Fujifilm to access Polaroid film technology.
In the mid-1980s, Fujifilm introduced the higher ISO ISO 800 series, followed by the ACE series in the mid-1990s. Instant ACE is almost identical to System 800, the only difference is the design of plastic cartridges in ACE does not contain the spring mechanism (spring is in the camera). Most of these products are only available in the Japanese market, until the launch of the Instax camera series was released in 1998. Fujifilm initially wanted to release Instax series around the world including North America and Europe simultaneously, but decided to work with Polaroid on camera mio based on mini Instax 10 for US market; while Canada gets Instax Wide 100. Another product is the Fujifilm Digital Instax Movie Pivi for their battery-powered portable printer that is available for those who want to print from their phones via infrared, USB and Bluetooth.
Fujifilm made film packages for their passport camera system, and has been available outside Japan since the mid-1980s. No legal issues that arose with Fuji's instant films as Polaroid patents have expired. Although very popular in Australia as a cheaper alternative to Polaroid, it is generally not very well known elsewhere due to the dominance of Polaroid in most countries. In 2000, Fuji decided to change the way they produce the film pack, making the whole package out of plastic instead of a combination of metal and plastic. Fujifilm announced to PMA 2003 that the pack film will be available for the North American market.
With the discontinuation of Polaroid instant films in 2008, Fuji began exporting more of their instant film products to overseas markets, starting with making the various movie packages available. In November 2008, the Instax Wide format was available in the US with Instax 200 cameras. Instax mini series cameras and movies became available in the US during the second half of 2009, with mini 7, as well as the updated Instax 210 replacing Instax 200. Fujifilm's FP-100b45 was announced at September 2009 for the US market. FP-3000b45 arrived in the North American market in January 2011, after Fujifilm Japan halted the making of FP-100b, but was discontinued in 2012. By the end of 2012 Fujifilm suspended FP-3000B, followed by termination of FP-100C in spring 2016. In April 2017, Fujifilm announces the format of Instax SQUARE 1: 1 and a compatible Instax SQ10 camera.
Fujifilm's instant movies include:
Integral movie
- Wide Series ISO 800 film
- Instax Mini series ISO 800 movie
- Instax Square Series ISO 800 film
- ACE series ISO 800 film. Compatible with Fujifilm Fotorama ACE instant camera series. Stopped June 2010.
- 800 series ISO 800 films. Compatible with Fujifilm Fotorama 800 series instant camera. Discontinued 2010.
- F Series ISO 160. Compatible with Fotorama F series instant camera. Discontinued in the mid-1990s.
- Other deleted movies; FI-160 ISO 160 (89x114 mm) for use with MS-45 4x5 instant return.
- 3 1 / 4 in ÃÆ' â € "Ã, 4 < span> 1 / 4 at (83 mm ÃÆ'â € "108 mm). Compatible with Polaroid Type 100 packfilm (also known as "Type 660"). Retired February 2016.
- 4 in ÃÆ' â € "5 in (100 mm ÃÆ'â €" 130 mm). For use in Fujifilm PA-45 holder. Compatible with Polaroid Type 550 series 4x5 packfilm version of Type 50 sheetfilm. Stopped 2016.)
Impossible/Polaroid Originals Project
A group called Project Impossible bought old Polaroid equipment and factories in Enschede, in the Netherlands. On their website, they state:
We aim to restart instant analog film production for vintage Polaroid cameras in 2010.
"The Impossible Mission is not to rebuild Integral Polaroid film but (with the help of strategic partners) to develop new products with new characteristics, consisting of newly optimized components, manufactured with efficient modern tuning.An innovative and fresh analogue material, sold under the name the perfect new brand will match the re-position of Integral's global film. "
On March 22, 2010, it was announced that they succeeded in making instant film compatible with Instant Polaroid SX-70/600 camera. Two new products announced - PX100 and PX600. Their Instant PX100 Silver Shade movie is a monochromatic replacement of old Polaroid old movie compatible with SX-70 camera while the Silver Shade PX600 instant movie is compatible with 600 cameras. The formulation has been replaced by a better film.
The company, renamed Polaroid Originals in 2017, produces 600, SX-70, Spectra and 8ÃÆ' â € "10 color packs and monochrome films with various colored borders. It also produces different Type-I movie packages from the traditional 600 package in battery removal (thus lowering costs), for use in Impossible I-1 cameras (released in 2016) and Polaroid OneStep 2 camera (announced in 2017). ).