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Holland Occupational Themes (RIASEC) refers to career theory and vocational choice (based on personality type) originally developed by American psychologist John L. Holland.

The US Department of Labor ETA has used an updated and expanded version of the RIASEC model in the "Interests" section of its free online database, The Occupational Information Network (O * NET), since its inception in the late 1990s.

Video Holland Codes

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The Dutch vocational choice theory, Dutch Employment Theme, "now includes career counseling research and practice." Its origins "can be traced to an article in the Journal of Applied Psychology in 1958 and a subsequent article in 1959 which sets its theory on vocational choices [...] The basic premise is that one's job preferences in the sense of being a veiled expression of the underlying character. "The 1959 article specifically (" A Theory of Vocational Choice, "published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology) is considered to be the first major introduction" vocational personality theory and work environment "in the Netherlands.

Holland originally labeled six of its kind as "motoric, intellectual, aesthetic, supportive, persuasive, and adjusting." He then develops and transforms them into: Realistic (Doers), Investigators (Thinkers), Artistic (Creators), Social (Helpers), Giat (Persuaders), and Conventional (Organizers). Professor John Johnson of Penn State suggests that alternative ways of categorizing six types would be through ancient social roles: "Hunters (Realistic), shamans (Investigative), Artisans, Healers (Social), Enterprising, and Lorekeepers ). "

According to the Committee on Scientific Awards, Holland's research shows that personalities seek and develop in a career environment that suits them and that work and career environments can be classified by the personality that develops within them. "Holland also wrote his theory that" the choice of vocation is a personality expression. "In addition, while the Netherlands shows that people can be" categorized as one of six types, "he also argues that" the six category schemes are built on the assumption that there are only six the kind of person in the world that is unacceptable to the general power. but a six-category scheme that allows simple ordering of a person's similarity with each of the six models gives the possibility of 720 different personality patterns. "

Maps Holland Codes

List type

R: Realistic (Actor)

People who love to work with "things" . They tend to be "firm and competitive, and interested in activities that require coordination, skill, and motor strength." They approach the problem-solving "by doing something, rather than talking about it, or sitting and thinking about it." They also prefer "concrete approach to problem solving, rather than abstract theory." Finally, their interests tend to focus on "scientific and mechanical fields rather than culture and aesthetics." Examples of majors and careers include:

  • Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineer (with Investigative)
  • Agriculture
  • Animals
  • Anthropology/Paleontology (with Investigative)
  • Architects (with Artistic and Enterprising)
  • Astronomy (with Investigative)
  • Athletics
  • Carpenters (with Conventional and Investigative)
  • Culinary arts (with Artistic and Enterprising)
  • Chemical/Chemist (by Investigative and Conventional)
  • Computer engineering/Computer science/Information technology/Computer programmers (with Investigative and Conventional)
  • Dance (with Artistic)
  • Dentist (with Investigative and Social)
  • Engineers (by Investigative and Conventional)
  • Environmental science
  • Fashion design (with Artistic and Enterprising)
  • Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators (with Artistic)
  • Fire Extinguisher (with Social and Enterprising)
  • Graphic designers (with Artistic and Enterprising)
  • Interior design (with Artistic)
  • Model (people) (with Artistic and Enterprising)
  • Musicians (with Artistic and Enterprising)
  • Nurses (with Social, Conventional, and Investigative)
  • Outdoor recreation
  • Naturalist Garden (with Social and Artistic)
  • Personal trainer (with Enterprising and Social)
  • Photographer (with Artistic and Enterprising)
  • Physical Therapy (with Social and Investigation)
  • The driver
  • Surgeons (by Investigation and Social)
  • Veterinarian (with Investigative and Social)
  • Web developers (by Conventional, Artistic, and Investigative)
  • Zoologists and Wildlife (with Investigative)

I: Investigative

People who prefer to work with "data" . They like to "think and observe rather than act, to organize and understand information rather than persuade." They also prefer "individual activities rather than people-oriented." Examples of majors and careers include:

  • Actuarial (with Conventional and Enterprising)
  • Archivist/Librarian (with Social and Conventional)
  • Biostatistics/Master in Public Health (by Conventional)
  • Carpenters (with Conventional and Realistic)
  • Chemical/Chemist (with Realistic and Conventional)
  • Public Health Worker/Master in Public Health (with social and active)
  • Computer engineering/Computer science/Information technology/Computer programmers (with Realistic and Conventional)
  • Counselor (with Social and Artistic)
  • Dentist (with Realistic and Social)
  • Nutritionist/Nutritionist (with Social and Enterprising)
  • Economics (with Conventional and social)
  • Engineers (with Realistic and Conventional)
  • Epidemiology/Master in Public Health (with Social)
  • Finance (with Enterprising and Conventional)
  • Lawyers (with Enterprising and Social)
  • Mathematician (with Artistic)
  • Nurses (with Realistic, Conventional, and Social)
  • Pharmacist (with Social and Conventional),
  • Physical Therapy (with Social and Realistic)
  • Doctor (Medical school/Medical research) (with Social)
  • Physics
  • Poets, Lyrics Writers, and Creative Writers (with Artistic)
  • Professor/Research - Ph.D.
  • Psychology/Psychologist (with Social and Artistic)
  • Social Work
  • Surgeons (with Realistic and Social)
  • Technical writers (with Artistic and Conventional)
  • Tutor (with Social)
  • Veterinarian (with Realistic and Social)
  • Web developers (with Conventional, Realistic, and Artistic)
  • Zoologists and Wildlife (with Realistic)

A: Artistic (Creator)

People who like to work with "ideas and things." They tend to be "creative, open, inventive, original, perceptive, sensitive, independent, and emotional." They rebel against "structure and rules," but enjoy "tasks involving people or physical skills." They tend to be more emotional than other types. Examples of majors and careers include:

  • Architects (with Realistic and Enterprising)
  • Broadcast journalism (with Enterprising)
  • Clergy (with Social and Enterprising)
  • Counselor (with Investigative and Social)
  • Culinary arts (with Realistic and Enterprising)
  • Dancing (with Realistic)
  • Fashion design (with Realistic and Enterprising)
  • Good Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators (with Realistic)
  • Graphic designers (with Enterprising and Realistic)
  • Interior design (with realistic)
  • Model (people) (with Realistic and Enterprising)
  • Musicians (with Enterprising and Realistic)
  • Naturalist Garden (with Social and Realistic)
  • Poets, Lyrics Writers, and Creative Writers (with Investigative)
  • Psychology/Psychologist (with Social and Investigative); Art Therapist/Dance Therapy/Drama Therapy/Music Therapy (with social)
  • Public relations (with Enterprising)
  • Photographer (with Realistic and Enterprising)
  • Teachers (with Social)
  • Technical writers (with Investigative and Conventional)
  • Trainer (business) (with Social and Conventional)
  • Web developers (with Conventional, Realistic, and Investigative)

S: Social (Helpers)

People who work with "people" and who "seem to meet their needs in teaching or helping the situation." They tend to be "drawn more to find close relationships with others and less likely to want to be truly intellectual or physical." Examples of majors and careers include:

  • Archivist/Librarian (with Conventional and Investigative)
  • Clergy (with Artistic and Enterprising)
  • Community Manager
  • Public Health Worker/Master in Public Health (by Investigative and Enterprising)
  • Counselor (with Investigative and Artistic)
  • Customer service (with Conventional and Enterprising)
  • Dentist (with Investigation and Realistic)
  • Nutritionist/Dietician (with Investigative and Enterprising)
  • Economics (with Investigative and Conventional)
  • Education (Teacher/Counselor/Administration)
  • Educational administration (with Enterprising and Conventional)
  • Epidemiology/Master in Public Health (with Investigation)
  • Personal Finance Planner/Certified Financial Planner (with Enterprising and Conventional)
  • Firefighter (with Realistic and Giat)
  • Fitness and Aerobic Trainers (with Enterprising and Realistic)
  • Overseas/Diplomacy Service (with Enterprising and Artistic)
  • Human Resources (with Conventional and Enterprising)
  • Lawyers (with Investigative and Enterprising)
  • Nurses (with Realistic, Conventional, and Investigative)
  • Naturalist Garden (with Realistic and Artistic)
  • Pharmacists (by Investigative and Conventional)
  • Physical Therapy (with Realistic and Investigative)
  • Doctor (Medical school/Medical research) (with Investigative)
  • Psychology/Psychologist (with Investigative and Artistic)
  • Public Health Educator/Master in Public Health (with Enterprising)
  • Religion
  • Social Advocate
  • Sociology
  • Social Work
  • Surgeons (with Realistic and Investigative)
  • Teachers (Early Childhood Education, Primary School, Secondary School, Teaching English as a Second Language, Special Ed, and Alternate Teacher) (with Artistic)
  • Trainer (business) (with Artistic and Conventional)
  • Tutor (with Investigative)
  • Veterinarians (with Investigative and Realistic)

E: Enterprising (Persuaders)

People love to work with "people and data." They tend to be "good speakers, and use these skills to lead or persuade others." They "also appreciate reputation, power, money, and status." Examples of majors and careers include:

  • Actuarial (with Investigative and Conventional)
  • Architects (with Artistic and Realistic)
  • Buyer
  • Public Health Worker/Master in Public Health (by Investigation and Social)
  • Culinary art (with Artistic and Realistic)
  • Pastor (with Artistic and Social)
  • Customer service (with Conventional and Social)
  • Nutritionist/Nutritionist (with Social and Investigative)
  • Educational administration (with Social and Conventional)
  • Entrepreneurs and Business
  • Fashion design (with Artistic and Realistic)
  • Finance (with Conventional and Investigative)
  • Personal Finance Planner/Certified Financial Planner (with Social and Conventional)
  • Overseas Service/Diplomacy (with Social and Artistic)
  • Fire Department (with Social and Realistic)
  • Fitness and Aerobic Coach (with Realistic and Social)
  • Fundraising
  • Graphic designers (with Artistic and Realistic)
  • Human Resources (with Conventional and Social)
  • Journalistic broadcast (with Artistic)
  • Lawyers (with Investigative and Social)
  • Management/Management Consultant
  • Market Research Analyst (with Investigative)
  • Model (people) (with Artistic and Realistic)
  • Musicians (with Artistic and Realistic)
  • Photographer (with Artistic and Realistic)
  • Politics
  • Public Health Educator/Master in Public Health (with Social)
  • Public relations/Publicity/Advertising/Marketing (with Artistic)
  • Speak publicly
  • Real Estate Agent (by Conventional)
  • Sales (with Conventional and Social)
  • C: _Conventional_ (Organizer) "> C: Conventional (Organizer)

    People who prefer to work with "data" and who "like rules and regulations and emphasize self-control... they love structure and order, and do not like unstructured or unclear jobs and interpersonal situations. " They also "place value on reputation, power, or status." Examples of majors and careers include:

    • Accounting/Tax Adviser (with Enterprising)
    • Actuarial (with Investigative and Enterprising)
    • Archivist/Librarian (with Social and Investigative)
    • Biostatistics/Master in Public Health (with Investigative)
    • Carpenter (with Realistic and Investigative)
    • Chemical/Chemist (with Investigative and Realistic)
    • Computer engineering/Computer science/Information technology/Computer programmers (with Investigative and Realistic)
    • Customer service (with Enterprising and Social)
    • Economics (with Investigative and Social)
    • Educational administration (with Social and Enterprising)
    • Engineers (Investigative and Realistic)
    • Finance (with Enterprising and Investigative)
    • Personal Finance Planner/Certified Financial Planner (with Social and Enterprising)
    • Human Resources (with Enterprising and Social)
    • Mathematics teacher (with Social)
    • Nurses (with Realistic, Social, and Investigative)
    • Office administration (with Enterprising)
    • Pharmacist (with Social and Investigative),
    • Real Estate Agent (with Enterprising)
    • Statistician (with Realistic and Investigative)
    • Technical writers (with Artistic and Investigative)
    • Trainer (business) (with Social and Artistic)
    • Web developers (with Artistic, Realistic, and Investigative)

    Holland's six personality types Research paper Service

    See also

    • Strong Interest Inventory

    37 best finding your passion images on Pinterest | Career advice ...


    Organizationalbehavior302 - Personality

    Further reading

    • Eikleberry, Carol; Pinsky, Carrie. Career Guide for Creative and Unconventional (Fourth Edition). Ten Speed ​​Press, 2015.
    • Holland, John L. Make a vocational choice: career theory . Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1973.
    • Streufert, Billie. "How Facebook can help you choose your course or career," USA Today, September 26, 2015.

    Career and Social Media Blog: Two Sides of a Coin - A Look at ...

    External links

    Free Test

    • O * NET Interest Profiler (Holland Codes Quiz) - Job Information Network (O * NET): US Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration
    • Student Services: Holland Codes Quiz - Rogue Community College
    • Take Quiz - Sheridan College


    • O * NET Holland Interest Codes Suitable for Career- Network Information Works (O * NET): US Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration
    • "Crack Your Holland Code" - Vermont Student Assistance Corporation
    • "Find Your Field," New York Times, April 7, 2016
    • "Green Careers (2007) Resource Guide by Jim Cassio" (Holland Code, page 9-10) - Colorado College

    Department of Academy and Senior High School

    • Holland codes and majors: college majors are classified by Holland Themes - Central Oregon Community College
    • Holland Code and Majors: A number of Their Three Digits and Their Digits Code - Central Oregon Community College
    • Major With Alphabetical Listing Code Holland - University of North Florida
    • Career Services: Major By Holland Code - University of Oklahoma
    • Career Interests: Course by Holland Code - Timpview High School

    Source of the article : Wikipedia
