Senin, 18 Juni 2018

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Using Differentiated Instruction in Music Lesson Plans | SmartMusic

Distinguished learning and judgment , also known as distinguished learning or, in education, only, differentiation , is the framework or philosophy for effective teaching which involves providing different students with different ways to learn (often in the same classroom) in terms of: obtaining content; process, build, or understand ideas; and develop teaching materials and assessment steps so that all students in the classroom can learn effectively, regardless of differences in ability. Students vary in culture, socioeconomic status, language, gender, motivation, abilities/disabilities, personal interests and more, and teachers should be aware of these varieties when they plan the curriculum. Taking into account the various learning needs, teachers can develop personalized instruction so that all children in the classroom can learn effectively. Different classrooms have also been described as spaces that respond to student variation in the degree of readiness, interest and learning profiles. This is a classroom that includes all students and can be successful. To do this, a teacher sets different expectations for task completion for students based on their individual needs.

The distinguished instruction, according to Carol Ann Tomlinson (as quoted by Ellis, Gable, Greg, & Rock, 2008, p.Ã,32), is the process of "ensuring that what students learn, how they learn it, and how students show what he has learned is the suitability for the level of readiness of students, interests, and preferred mode of learning. "Teachers can differentiate in four ways: 1) through content, 2) processes, 3) products, and 4) learning environments based on individual learners. Differentiation comes from beliefs about differences among learners, how they learn, learning preferences, and individual interests (Algozzine & Anderson, 2007). Therefore, differentiation is an organized, yet flexible way of proactively adapting teaching and learning methods to accommodate each child's learning needs and preferences to achieve maximum growth as a learner. To understand how students learn and what they know, pre-assessment and ongoing assessment are essential. It provides feedback for teachers and students, with the ultimate goal of improving student learning. Submission of instruction in the past often follows the "one size fits all" approach. Conversely, differentiation is a centralized individualized student, focusing on fair, flexible, challenging learning tools and appraisals, and engaging students in the curriculum in a meaningful way.

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Brain-based learning

Differentiation is rooted and supported by literature and research on the brain. The evidence shows that, by instructing through various learning paths, more "dendritic access points" are made. This can be achieved by using multiple senses (ie sight, sound, smell) or by creating cross-curricular connections. As more brain regions store data about the subject, there is more interconnection and cross-reference data from multiple storage areas in response to a gesture, which means a person has learned rather than remembering it.

As Wolfe (2001) argues, information is acquired through the senses: sight, smell, taste, touch and sound. This information is temporarily stored, and the brain decides what to do with the data obtained. The more stimuli that are activated, the more impact the data on the brain. This information is related to differentiation, which can activate multiple senses and thus have a greater impact on the brain.

Furthermore, Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences identifies eight different intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, kinesthetic-body, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist. This is important when looking at how students have different kinds of thoughts and therefore learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways. He argues that students will be better served if the teacher can teach in several ways and learning can be assessed in various ways. This might reach more students and improve content retention. The learning preference extends these ideas by effectively instructing more students to encourage the development of less favored styles.

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An important part of differentiated instructions and assessments is to determine what students already know to avoid covering material that has been mastered by students, or using ineffective methods for students. The purpose of the pre-assessment is to determine the knowledge, understanding and skills of the students before the unit of learning. This is an assessment for learning and includes diagnostic or pre-assessment that teachers use to help guide instruction and benefit each learner. They are informal and provide qualitative feedback to teachers and students to discuss strengths and needs during the unit. Pre-assessment should be conducted several weeks before the unit of study and should not be assessed. Chapman and King (2005) note that when "teachers strategically manage pre-assessment before planning their lessons, they can overcome the strengths and needs of students during teaching." Pre-assessment can be done in two ways: 1) by identifying the preferences and interests of learning (ie the Multiple Intelligence Gardner test, or Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic learner), and 2) by identifying knowledge about students' understanding (ie checklists, quizzes, class discussions, portfolios, entry/exit cards, anticipatory guides, journals, self-reflection). Both types of pre-assessment are used to design student tasks, especially when a student may need support, enrichment, or have different learning styles, intelligences, or interests. Teachers can also define, locate, and collect appropriate resources and decide on timelines/priorities for future units.

The purpose of different instructions is to develop challenging tasks that challenge and enhance learning for each student. The instructional activities are flexible and based and evaluated on content, processes, products, and learning environments. The instructional approach and content choice is driven by data from student assessment results and from the results of other screening tools. Pre-assessment may collect information about the strengths, convenience, or weaknesses of each student. This leads to an appropriate differentiation that accommodates each student's learning needs and preferences. Assessment should be used as a tool to make clear and meaningful instruction that guides each student toward a challenging but frustrating activity.

Differentiated Instruction - EPISD Staff Development

Continuous assessment

Assessment is the process of collecting information from various sources such as assignments, teacher observations, class discussions, and tests and quizzes. Teachers should rate regularly to inform learning strategies, learn about the readiness, interests, and preferences of each student's learning and to improve student learning. This information can be collected through diagnostic (pre-assessment), formative, and summative assessment, as well as Individual Education Plans, Ontario Student Records, student interest surveys, and inventory of some of the learning style's intelligence or inventory.

Assessments for learning include not only diagnostic or pre-assessment steps but also formative assessments. Formative assessment is used during the unit to provide an understanding of what students learn, and constantly guide learning decisions. Assessment as learning occurs when students judge for themselves their work and reflect on their growth as learners. Earl (2003) says this is a process in metacognition, and "occurs when students personally monitor what they learn and use feedback... to make adjustments, adaptations, and... changes in what they understand." Differentiation can be used when applying, demonstrating, expanding knowledge, or practicing skills and attitudes to monitor goal achievement. This may include a friend/self assessment, and a friend/teacher conference. Assessment of learning is a summit task or summative assessment, which occurs after learning occurs and students can show what concepts and/or skills they are learning. Differentiation can also be used here through various strategies such as tests, projects, demonstrations, writing performances, and more.

All these ongoing assessments help teachers know their students and needs so they can choose effective teaching and learning strategies and interventions that maximize student achievement. Consistent program reviews and the overall diagnosis of student responses and individuals not only provide ongoing feedback to improve teaching and learning for teachers but also students and parents. Teachers use continuous assessments to gather information about students' knowledge and abilities, to guide future planning, monitor student progress, and evaluate student achievement. Students and parents can also use this assessment to reflect and understand their own learning preferences and achievement levels.

Students should be assessed on a standard rather than a job level assigned. A student who struggles in a particular subject can be assigned a task that is directed at their ability to help them learn. They may do well on the customized work they provide. That does not mean they should be given the same value for their work, because children who do not get the adjustment task.

15 Differentiated Instruction Strategies | Prodigy Game - YouTube


The content of the lesson can be differentiated according to what the student already knows. The most basic lesson content should include the learning standards set by the district or state. Some students in the classroom may be completely unfamiliar with the concepts in the lesson, some students may have some content mastery - or display false ideas about the content, and some students may show mastery of the content before the lesson begins. Teachers can differentiate content by designing activities for groups of students covering different areas of Bloom's taxonomy. For example, students who are unfamiliar with concepts may be required to complete tasks at a low level of Bloom's Taxonomy: knowledge, understanding, and application. Students with partial mastery may be required to complete assignments in the area of ​​application, analysis and evaluation, and students with high mastery levels may be required to complete assignments in evaluation and synthesis.

When teachers distinguish content, they can tailor what they want students to learn or how students access knowledge, understanding, and skills (Anderson, 2007). In this case, the educator does not change the student's goals or lower the performance standards for the student. They use various texts, novels, or short stories at the appropriate reading level for each student. Teachers can use flexible groups and have students assigned to like groups that listen to audio books or access specific Internet sources. Students can have the option of working in pairs, groups, or individually, but all students work toward the same standards and goals.

Understanding with Design

Understanding by Design (UbD) is an educational strategy that can be used to inform content in different classes. According to Carol Ann Tomlinson and Jay McTighe, UbD and distinguished instruction (DI) form important partnerships. Combining these two educational theories allows educators to simultaneously "create a strong curriculum in a predominantly standardized era and ensure academic success for the entire spectrum of learners.

Differentiated Instructional Strategies: Differentiated Instruction


The process of how the material in the lessons learned can be differentiated for students based on their learning style, taking into account what performance standards are required for the age level. This differentiation stage allows students to learn based on what method is easiest for them to gain knowledge, or what challenges them most: some students may prefer to read about a topic (or may require practice in reading), and others may prefer to listen (or need practice in listening), or acquire knowledge by manipulating objects related to the content. Information can be presented in various ways by the teacher, and may be based on available methods or materials. Many teachers use the Multiple Intelligences area to provide learning opportunities.

Equity in assessment results leads to a grouping of practices designed to meet student needs. "How" a teacher plans to deliver instruction based on assessment results that demonstrate the need, learning style, interest, and previous level of knowledge. Grouping practices should be flexible, as groups change according to the needs to be addressed. Regardless of whether instructional differences are based on students' readiness, interests, or needs, the dynamic flow of grouping and re-grouping is one of the bases of different instructions. It is important for different classrooms that some students can work on their own, if this is the best modality for a particular task. (Nunley, 2004)

Distinguishing process based refers to how a student understands and assimilates facts, concepts and skills (Anderson, 2007). After teaching the lesson, a teacher may break the students into small "ability" groups based on their readiness. Teachers will then give each group a series of questions, based on the skill level of each group, related to the lesson objectives. Another way to group students can be based on student learning styles. The main idea behind this is that students are at different levels and learning in different ways, so a teacher can not teach them in the same way.

Another model of differentiation, layered curriculum, offers students a choice of tasks but requires that they demonstrate learning to pass a task. This eliminates the need for pre-assessment and is useful for teachers with large class loads, such as in high school (Nunley, 2004).

Using Universal Design to Differentiate Instruction | ANNIE TREMONTE


The product is essentially what the students produce at the end of the lesson to show content mastery: tests, evaluations, projects, reports, or other activities. Based on the student's skill level and educational standards, teachers can assign students to complete activities that demonstrate mastery of educational concepts (writing reports), or in students' preferred methods (composing original songs about content, or constructing 3-dimensional objects that explain concepts mastery in lessons or unit). This product is an integral component of different models, because the assessment preparation determines both 'what' and 'how' the delivery of instructions.

When an educator differentiates by product or performance, they give the students various ways to show what they have learned from the lesson or unit (Anderson, 2007; Nunley, 2006). This is done using the menu unit sheet, option board or open list of end product choices. This is intended to enable students to show what they learn based on their preferences, interests, and learning powers.

Examples of differentiated structures include Layered Curriculum, tiered instruction, tic-tac-toe extension menu, Curry/Samara model, RAFT writing activities, and similar designs. (see external links below)

In different instructions, teachers respond to student readiness, instructional needs, interest and learning preferences and provide opportunities for students to work in various instructional formats. The classrooms that use different instructions are responsive classrooms and assist teachers, where all students have the opportunity to fulfill the basic objectives of the curriculum. Lessons may be based on inquiry, based on project-based issues and instructions.

Differentiated Instruction in Learning Classrooms / A2 ...

Learning environment

Distinguishing through the environment is important because it creates conditions for optimal learning to occur. According to Tomlinson (2003), "The environment will support or hinder the student's search for affirmations, contributions, powers, goals, and challenges in the classroom," (p.Ã, 37). The learning environment includes the classroom physical layout, the way the teacher uses space, environmental elements and sensitivity including lighting, as well as the overall atmosphere of the class. The teacher's goal is to create a positive, structured, and supportive environment for each student. The physical environment should be a flexible place with different types of furniture and settings, and an area for quiet individual work as well as group work and collaboration areas. It supports a variety of ways to engage in flexible and dynamic learning. Teachers should be sensitive and alert to ways that the classroom environment supports students' ability to interact with others individually, in small groups, and as a whole class. They should use classroom management techniques that support a safe and supportive learning environment.

Is on-going assessment driving your differentiated instruction ...

Help parents learn about different instructions

According to Carol Ann Tomlinson, most parents want their students to learn, grow, succeed, and feel welcome in school. Sharing this goal is important. Different classrooms can "look different" than what parents expect. Teachers can help them develop a clear and positive understanding of different instructions and how it benefits their children by telling parents that:

  • The purpose of different instructions is to ensure that everyone grows in all the major skills and knowledge areas, encouraging students to move from their starting point and to become more independent learners.
  • In different classrooms, teachers closely assess and monitor skills, level of knowledge, interest in determining effective ways for all students to learn; teacher lesson plans are structured with a variety of skills, levels, and interests in mind.
  • Different lessons reflect the teacher's best understanding of what best helps a child to grow in understanding and skills at a given moment. The understanding evolves as the journey continues, as the child develops, and when parents contribute to the teacher's understanding.
  • When parents come to school and talk about their children, they share their perspective with the teacher. Teachers view students more broadly, especially in relation to students of the same age and in light of developmental benchmarks. Parents, on the other hand, have a deeper sense of student interests, feelings, and changes over time. The combination of a wide-angle lens viewing angle from the teacher with a close-up lens from a parent provides a more complete picture for everyone.

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Source of the article : Wikipedia
