Senin, 18 Juni 2018

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Class discrimination , also known as classism , is prejudice or discrimination based on social class. This includes individual attitudes, behaviors, policy systems, and practices established to benefit the upper classes at the expense of the lower classes or vice versa.

Video Class discrimination


The class structure exists in a simplified form in pre-agricultural societies, but becomes much more complex and established after the establishment of a permanent agriculture-based civilization with food surplus. Classism began to be practiced around the 18th century.

Maps Class discrimination

Institutional versus private class

The term classism may refer to personal prejudices against the lower or upper classes as well as for the institutional class, as racism can refer strictly to personal prejudices or institutional racism. The first has been defined as "the ways in which conscious or unconscious classism manifests itself in the various institutions of our society."

The term "interpersonal" is sometimes used in "private" places as in "institutional classism (versus) interpersonal classes", and terms such as "attitude" or "attitude" may replace "interpersonal" in contrast to institutional classes, such as in the Association of Magazine Media's definition of classism as "any institutional attitudes or practices that subordinate people to their income, employment, education and/or economic conditions."

Classism is also sometimes broken down into more than two categories, such as in "personal, institutional and cultural" classes.

The major American terms associated with personal classes or attitudes include "white trash", "garbage dump", "redneck", "little person" or "little person", "trash trailer", "unwashed mass", "the not washed "," moochers "," oiks "," proles "and" bludgers. " In earlier periods of history, classist terms and phrases such as "Hoi polloi" or "plebs", which degrade the working class, are more common than today.

There is also a class level against higher economic privileges, referring to such people in derogatory terms such as "bourgy" (bourgeois corruption), "pretentious", "fat cat", "toffs", "porky" , "preppie" or "yuppie." These terms can also be used self-referentially by high-class individuals to jokingly describe their origins or lifestyles.


Media representation

Class discrimination can be seen in various forms of media such as television shows, movies and social media. Class discrimination in the media presents knowledge of what people feel and think about classicism. When looking at class discrimination in movies and television shows, people are influenced and believe that is how things are in real life, for whatever class is shown. Media is a major influence in today's world, with something like a class can be seen in many different lights. Usually low-income people are shown in the media as dirty, lack of education and behavior, homeless. Elites are usually shown as arrogant, rude, college and rich. From both sides of the media, people can take what they see, whether it is true or not and believe what they want to believe. People can use the media to learn more about different social classes or use media, such as social media to influence others for what they believe. In some cases, people in social classes depicted in a bad way by the media can be influenced in school and social life. "Teenagers who grow up in poverty report higher levels of discrimination, and the poorer the teenager, the more they experience discrimination." Classroom discrimination in the media is something that has been going on since the beginning of the media and is still happening to this day. Class discrimination is even found in movies made for children, which expose class discrimination at an influential young age.

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The European Convention on Human Rights contains protection against social class discrimination. Only a few signatory countries have signed and ratified this protection. Those who have signed and ratified this have applied domestic law to favela discrimination because of social class (in the same way as racial discrimination, gender discrimination or age discrimination has been enacted).

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See also

  • Old preferences

Sanya Dhingra on Twitter:


Class X Democracy and Diversity - YouTube

Further reading

  • Bowker, Geoffrey C., and Susan Leigh Star. Sorting Out Things: Classification and Consequences . MIT Press, 1999
  • Capuano, Angelo. 'Giving the Meaning of' Social Origin 'in the International Labor Organization Convention (' ILO '), Fair 2009 Employment Act (Cth) and Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth):' Class' Discrimination and its Relevance to Context Australia ', (2016) 39 (1) UNSW Law Journal 84 (available at SSRN:
  • Historical People of the United States by Howard Zinn
  • Hill, Marcia, and Esther Rothblum. Classism and Feminist Therapy: Counting Costs. New York: Haworth Press, 1996
  • Hook, Bell. Where we stand: the class problem. New York & amp; London: Routledge, 2000
  • Gans, Herbert. War Against the Poor, 1996
  • Homan, Jacqueline S. Classism For Dimwits. Pennsylvania: Elf Books, 2007/2009
  • Packard, Vance. Status Finder, 1959
  • Beegle, Donna M. See Poverty - Be The Difference, 2009
  • Leondar-Wright, Betsy. Class Matters: Cross Class Building Alliance for Medium-Sized Activists: New Society Publishers, 2005

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External links

  • "People Like Us" on PBS
  • Class Action

Source of the article : Wikipedia
